We were able to debug what the issue is here and are pushing the fix. This issue triggers if you have a somewhat a long %PATH%, so one potential workaround (until a new build comes out with the fix) would be to do some "spring cleaning" on your %PATH% variable to make it short...
I decided to start fresh so I set both Proxmox1 and Proxmox2 to allow password login: PasswordAuthentication yes. I then deleted everything in: ~/.ssh/, created new key pairs, copied the public keys to the appropriate box, made sure I was able to login using the key pairs and set: ...
在使用apt-get install openssh-server安装SSH后 使用service sshd start开启SSH服务时提示:Failed to start sshd.service: Unit sshd.service not found.解决方案:启用ssh.service systemctl enable ssh.service 启动ssh ser 网卡不用桥接,你直接选1或者8,然后配上IP、子网掩码、网关,真机上的虚拟网卡的IP地址和...