Failed to save settings. Please restart IntelliJ IDEA 解决方案 Unabletosavesettings:Failedtosavesettings.PleaserestartIntelliJ IDEA解决方案 是文件权限不足、Windows10看看是不是 这个位置打开了、导致idea文件没有权限。这是idea装c盘的情况 pycharm环境报错集合 ...
1、创建Django项目并配置settings文件 2019-12-23 20:52 −一、先安装Django第三方库 二、创建项目 新建好项目的目录是这样的 迁移数据库,注意:没有安装pymysql的需要通过pip install pymysql安装。 三、创建模块 &nb... 懒惰的小松鼠 0 639 <123>...
在pycharm中添加插件的时候,保存时出现Cannot Save Settings:Please specify a different SDK name 在网上没有找到相关的解决方案,并且很少有关这个错误的讨论,仅仅在github上找到一篇各路吐槽这个问题的难兄难弟,也没有解决方案,不得已哭着尝试下面的方法5555 解决:删除mxonline虚拟环境和MxOnline项目,重新建立mxonline虚拟...
【pycharm】Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 2019-12-15 21:43 −1.Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 将工程的.idea目录删掉,重启pycharm即可。 2.error:please select a valid Python in... ...
Could you please: 1. save the deployment settings (disregard the failed connection test for now), and try in PyCharmTools > Start SSH session- is it successful? 2. add#com.intellij.sshand#com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeploymentto Help | Debug Log Settings, restart IDEA, try to connect ...
I am unable to create new/open existing website on my computer. The error I get is: Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:%port%/ failed with the error: Filename: \?\C:\Projects\any-path%\vs\config\applicationhost.config ...
The good news is that now we have a reproduction steps and we're fully aware of the issue. Hopefully we'll be able to fix it very soon. Thanks to everyone who reported here, and we're sorry for the inconveniences caused by this issue. Please stay tuned. ...
I am unable to create new/open existing website on my computer. The error I get is: Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:%port%/ failed with the error: Filename: \?\C:\Projects\any-path%\vs\config\applicationhost.config ...
【pycharm】Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 2019-12-15 21:43 −1.Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 将工程的.idea目录删掉,重启pycharm即可。 2.error:please select a valid Python int... ...
【pycharm】Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 2019-12-15 21:43 −1.Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 将工程的.idea目录删掉,重启pycharm即可。 2.error:please select a valid Python int... ...