推送.gitlab-ci.yml文件到GitLab仓库后,打开GitLab项目页面,点击“CI/CD” -> “Pipelines”,然后点击“Run Pipeline”按钮,触发Pipeline执行。 ### 步骤4:查看Pipeline执行结果 等待Pipeline执行完成后,查看执行结果。如果Pipeline执行失败,将会显示相应的错误信息和失败的阶段。 ### 步骤5:分析失败原因并修复 根据...
Status: Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2024-04-16T16:50:32Z Message: cannot compose resources: pipeline step "kcl" returned a fatal result: failed to run kcl function pipelines: Permission denied (os error 13) Reason: ReconcileError Status: False Type: Synced Warning ComposeResources 7s (x5...
Pipeline Failed From last few days, I am facing issue in a pipeline, while copying data from server to json file, it is giving error with any of the files, but when I manually run it, it is running successfully. Error below- Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorFailed...
Failed to load entrypoint azureml.StepRun = azureml.pipeline.core.run:StepRun._from_dto with exception (urllib3 1.26.12 (/azureml-envs/azureml_8f317849db35f281450cf74333640b98/lib/python3.8/site-packages), Requirement.parse('urllib3<=1.26.9,>=1.23'), {'azureml-core'}). ....
{pipelinename}- Your pipeline name. Example:Fabrikam hourly build pipeline {startdate}- The date to start your report. Format: YYYY-MM-DDZ. Example:2021-09-01Zrepresents September 1, 2021. Don't enclose in quotes or brackets and use two digits for both, month and date. ...
At this point, you have a way to run unit tests as changes move through the build pipeline. You also have a way to measure the amount of code that's covered by your tests. It's always a good idea to run your tests locally before you submit changes to the pipeline. But what happens...
Scripts used to create container and cause the issue Run-AlPipeline ` -pipelineName "BingMaps" ` -licenseFile "C:\git\bingmaps\DeveloperLicense.flf" ` -baseFolder "C:\git\bingmaps" ` -appFolders @("app") ` -testFolders @("test") ` -installTestFramework ` -enablePerTenantExtensionCop...
1pipeline: name: Sync MySQL Database to Doris parallelism: 1``2023-12-13 22:47:11java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to send request to coordinator: com.ververica.cdc.runtime.operators.schema.event.SchemaChangeRequest@9b5c3d87Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.con...
在尝试用mindspore-gpu版本做单机多卡的训练,但是在用mpirun命令运行后报错Failed to create cusolver dn handle. 样例: (根据实际修改和增删) 测试代码 # test-init.pyfrommindsporeimportcontextfrommindspore.communication.managementimportinitif__name__ =="__main__": context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MOD...
(StaticResourceHandler.java:89) at org.noear.solon.core.handle.HandlerPipeline.handle(HandlerPipeline.java:41) at org.noear.solon.SolonApp.doFilter(SolonApp.java:466) at org.noear.solon.core.handle.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:24) at com.dyrnq.WebApp$I18nFilter.doFilter(WebApp...