NHL 23 on PS4 Failed to Retrieve data; please try again later. ERROR CODE: 7EB770D25B9BF2C5-0000000000009999-FD38F0BCEA19BD3E 44 people had this problem. 3 + XP Me too Accepted Solution #7 November 2022 Options MSB2115 ★★ Novice I fixed it. I think the error is...
Product: NHL 23Platform:Microsoft XBOX OneWhat is your gamertag/PSN ID? Eyezil4819How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? cannot change my lines in hut... Error Failed to retrieve dataWhat happens when the bug occurs? return to menuWhat...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:nhl-23-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:9459336"},"subject":"Re: Failed to retrieve data - \"Buy now\" function doesnt work in auction house","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"Moderation...
When logging in to HUT on NhL 23 I keep getting "failure to retrieve data, check back later." This has been going on for the past 9 hrs. Is there a way to fix this or us this an issue on your side thatvyou need to fix? Also, I play on an xbox series x Reply 0 + XP ...
If I try to use the " buy now" option in the auction house I always receive an error message and I get kicked out of HUT. It is annoying to say the least. Anything I can do about it? It started yesterday 29.11. and still happens with every attempt to use the...
Re: Auction house “buy it now” error - NHL 23 HUT #20 Next EA Post ↓ November 2022 Options EA_Aljo Community Manager Hello, @TominoTheDoctor This is the negative escrow issue. An advisor can fix it for you. Since you're having trouble reaching an advi...
Don't submit your case as a bug. That won't go to an advisor. Choose the tech support option. That should give you options for contacting an advisor.
Re: Auction house “buy it now” error - NHL 23 HUT #20 Next EA Post ↓ November 2022 Options EA_Aljo Community Manager 85 pt Hello, @TominoTheDoctor This is the negative escrow issue. An advisor can fix it for you. Since you're having trouble reaching ...
Re: Auction house “buy it now” error - NHL 23 HUT #20 Next EA Post ↓ November 2022 Options EA_Aljo Community Manager Hello, @TominoTheDoctor This is the negative escrow issue. An advisor can fix it for you. Since you're having trouble reaching an advi...