MSB4276: The default SDK resolver failed to resolve SDK "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" because directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk" did not exist. So I tried to add a global.json: {"sdk": {"version":"...
ClassNotFoundException异常 Failed to resolve:xxx错误 一开始报 already disposed module: XXX的错误,然后刷新一下,后面的xxx就变一下,反正就是already disposed module,然后百度,在设置里点击 invalidate caches/restart ,restart一下,接着就 failed to resolve:xxx了,这下就清楚了 如图,把第一行加上就ok了 Grad...
我吧aar包放到libs文件夹下。然后在dependencies上添加 repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } 出现错误 ERROR: Failed to resolve: :aliyun-oss-sdk-android-2.9.2: Affected Modules: app 是什么情况!!! 有没有集成成功的解答一下 谢谢各位大佬展开 语农 2019-09-18 16:22:29 1603 0 举报飞天免费...
Error:(114, 22) Failed to resolve: Error:(115, 22) Failed to resolve: my buildgradle is apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 27 b...
gclient syncfailed to resolve dart-sdk#131980 eladmaimoniopened this issueAug 5, 2023· 4 comments eladmaimonicommentedAug 5, 2023• edited I'm attempting to compile a compatible version of the engine for my windows x64 machine. After setting up the the engine development environment, I get...
Hi Team, I'm trying to test the attribution process but keep getting the following error when I try to register source or trigger: 2023-01-30 15:55:27.412 5965-6441 adservices E Failed to find resolveInf...
Please make changes as per below to resolve this error. Install Java SDK version: 14 or above. JDK Download link: In please use grade version 6.3 or above. ...
PKIX path building failed: unable to find...valid certification path to requested target -> [Help 2] 问题和解决出现上面的提示的问题是因为 SSL 签名的问题。 1.1K10 Maven PKIX path building failed 错误提示 PKIX path building failed: sun...
The Lookup transform was unable to upgrade metadata from the existing version number in a call to PerformUpgrade(). C# 复制 public const int DTS_E_TXLOOKUP_FAILEDUPGRADE_BAD_VERSION = -1071607581; Field Value Value = -1071607581 Int32 Applies to 产品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK 2016, ...
解决AS编译报错:Caused by:org.gradle.api.internal.plugins.PluginApplicationException:Failedtoapplyplugin 1.1K40 call和apply 首先个人感觉call和apply还是挺神奇的,简简单单就改变了this的作用域,下面我们来共同学习一下 1.call和apply的语法(改变this的作用域,有点像冒充的感觉,例子如下) ...