If you get an error message in your serial Monitor while reading the temperature and humidity from the DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 or AM2301 sensor, follow the next steps to see if you can make it work. “Failed to read from DHT sensor!” or Nan readings If yourDHT11/DHT22sensor returns t...
If you’re trying to read the temperature and humidity from the DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 or AM2301 sensor and you get an error message in your Serial Monitor, follow the next steps to see if you can make your sensor work. Learn how to fix the Failed to read from DHT sensor error. If...
Postbytjstroker»Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:41 am This sensor is obviously bad. See the humidity readings are also cut significantly. DHTDHTxx test! Humidity: 42.90 % Temperature: 23.30 *C 73.94 *F Heat index: 25.16 *C 77.29 *F Failed to read from DHT sensor!
Unfortunately I do not have things very well yet documented, I do not dare to publish my experiences the way they are, but so forward a little more to things and deepen my knowledge, it will be a pleasure to disclose - even in return - this fantastic community both contributed to my le...