当你在尝试拉取Docker镜像时遇到“failed to pull image "nginx": rpc error: code = unknown desc = error pulling”这样的错误,这通常指示了几个可能的问题点。以下是一些建议的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 确认Docker服务状态是否正常: 确保Docker服务正在运行。你可以通过运行systemctl stat...
Failed to pull image "alpine": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "docker.io/library/alpine:latest": failed to resolve reference "docker.io/library/alpine:latest": failed to do request: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/alpine/ma...
1.使用kubectl describe pod web-64d985c689-49d4b检查pod的一些信息,发现最关键的一句是:Failed to pull image "nignx": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for nignx, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login',原来是nginx拼写成了nignx [...
1. 查看日志时,可以根据关键词 “Failed”、“Error”、“Unknown” 查找相关的错误信息,并尝试解决问题。 以上是每一步需要做的操作,希望对你解决"kubelet Failed to pull image"错误有所帮助。如果还有其他问题,请随时提问。
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = context deadline exceeded Order Service -> Failed to pull image "noyandocker/orderservice": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = context deadline exceeded Payment Service -> Failed to pull image "noyandocker/paymentservice": rpc error: code = Unknown desc =...
问题描述: Failed to pull image "nginx": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pul 解决办法: 1,注意虚拟机时间同步 chronyc sources ntpdate time1.aliyun.com 2,注意修改containerd 配置文件修改镜像仓库地址 可参照<https://www.cnblogs.com/ezgod/p/16441343.html>...
the image cannot be pulled from the internal registry - see theFailed to pull image "docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ppalaga-jenkins/wildfly-camel-example-camel-cdi@sha256:39b9ea0bf18b480c850e46970981ff29b682d156f8475626a4697629b1b8034e": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unauthorized: ...
Failed to pull image "stackrox.io/scanner-db:2.10.0": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: authentication required Environment StackRox Version- Orchestrator- OpenShift ...
k8s拉取私有仓库镜像失败:rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image【20221121】 - k8s拉取镜像并不是通过docker拉取,而是通过 crictl拉取的。失败原因如下: 解决方法:1、先拷贝一份cp /etc/containerd/config.toml /etc/containerd/config1.
Warning Failed 18s (x2 over 53s) kubelet Failed to pull image "nginx:alpine": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error pulling image configuration: download failed after attempts=6: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority Warning Failed 18s ( ...