I0308 16:44:26.897598 5 main.go:212] unexpected error discovering Kubernetes version (attempt Get tls: failed to parse certificate from server: x509: cannot parse dnsName "1520520257.kismatic.integration-tests."): 6 The contents of the cert for the api: Subje...
Whatever processes that creates your TLS certificates can choose to encode OIDs that are greater than 31 bits, as an OID is effectively a big int. Thus Go will never be able to parse such a certificate. So you just have to guarantee that it does not add such data to the certificate. c...
Create Server certificate Append 1., 2., 3. to 4. To manage such a "complex" CA you can usehttp://sourceforge.net/projects/xca/. That's a software for setting up CAs for testing etc. It comes with a graphical frontend thought it requires some knowledge about certificates etc. Setup ...
When I impair the server certificate, but leave the root certificate intact, I am still able to download the file, but I get the following debug code: W (6997) esp-tls-mbedtls: mbedtls_x509_crt_parse was partly successful. No. of failed certificates: 1 ...
1 renew failure(s), 0 parse failure(s) 格式有点乱,问题的截图如下: 这个问题不太常见,在google/baidu一顿猛搜没有找到合适的答案。 后来经过不断反复尝试,发现一个简单命令可以解决问题。 解决方案: 使用命令”yum install ca-certificates”, 安装相关的组件,然后重新执行certbot renew即可。
wrote: crypto pki authenticate IDENTITY_DSMAN-ISSUING-CA_TRUSTPOINT [copy/paste] crypto pki import IDENTITY_DSMAN-ISSUING-CA_TRUSTPOINT certificate [copy/paste] % Failed to parse or verify imported certificate you may need to add a "quit"
打包正式apk,进行安装, 提示如下错误 Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Package /data/app/vmd1638616.tmp/base.apk has no certificates at entry AndroidManifest.xml] 1. 解决方案: 将build 目录下文件全部删除,重新打包apk 再次尝试安装,安装成功。
签名Apk后,安装出现如下错误:Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES] 百度查找资料后发现,jdk8 签名时需要加上如下两个参数: -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA 完整命令如下: .\jarsigner-keystore C:\Users\mayn\Desktop\app.jks-storepass123456-signedjar C:\Users\mayn\Desktop\release\app-release...
什么时候会报 INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES这个错误呢? 1) 两个应用,名字相同,签名不同 2) 升级时前一版本签名,后一版本没签名 3) 升级时前一版本为 DEBUG 签名,后一个为自定义签名 4) 升级时前一版本为 Android 源码中的签名,后一个为 DEBUG 签名或自定义签名 ...