I have tried to uninstall the agent, clean the registry, the wmi namespace, rebuild the WMI repository with no luck I can access the computer WMI repository from the SCCM server. I connect to \root\ccm\policy but if add the string "S_1_1_0" then I can verify that the namespace...
Chrome Uninstallation sccm CI Downloader Job Error clear cache in SCCM Client Clear SCCM Cache while running OS-Deployment Task Sequence Client Center for CM12 Client Check Detail: No Results Client Health Evaluation Client Inactive to Active Client not registering MP Reg: Did not find client(GUID...
In pursuit of installing the SCCM on the client’s computer, errors might be encountered in multiple scenarios. The details of the errors during installation are recorded in the CCMsetup.log file on the client end, along with the specific error codes. TheCCMSetup Failed With Error Code 0x8004...
HI all. I am somewhat new to SCCM I have created a SCCM server in a closed environment and I can not get the client to install when attempting to push it to the system. I am trying to ...
I am attempting to install the SCCM client on a non-domain joined (workgroup) server and I am having trouble. Server 2016 Client, SCCM CB1902, HTTPS enabled. When I run ccmsetup, it is giving ...
The CheckCertificate provider method being referred to appears to be a WMI method on the CCM_PrvsMethodProvider class in the root\ccm WMI namespace. This is a static method and it takes a single string parameter, which I believe is the root certificate hash to be matched i...
Sending Fallback Status Point message to 'SCCM02.TEST.DOM', STATEID='100'. ccmsetup 11/14/2013 9:13:47 AM 4804 (0x12C4) Failed to open to WMI namespace '\\.\root\ccm' (80041001) ccmsetup 11/14/2013 9:13:47 AM 4804 (0x12C4) ...
<![LOG[Failed to connect to WMI namespace \.\ROOT\CIMV2 (Code 0x80040154)]LOG]!> <![LOG[TS::Policy::GetClientIdentity (&m_oHttpTransport, m_sSiteCode, sMediaGuid.c_str(), m_sClientGUID, m_sNetbiosName, bUnknown, sServerName, sServerRemoteName, sImportedClientIdentity), HRESULT...
SCCM Version : SCCM 2012Client : Windows XP SP3When I check the ccmsetup\logs folder I found the two log filesError: MSI (s) (DC:D8) [10:40:26:537]: Product: Microsoft Policy Platform -- Installation failed.ccmsetup logs folder , for...
SCCM CB : smsdpmon.log - CContentDefinition::LibraryPackagesWmi failed; 0x80004005 Question Tuesday, February 6, 2018 3:10 PM Hi, My site' DP is in warning status : an entrie showFailed to retreive the package list on the distribution point (...) Or the package list in the content ...