针对您提出的“failed to open the tcp port number in the license”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,这些步骤基于您提供的tips并结合了参考信息中的内容: 检查license文件中的TCP端口号设置: 确保license文件(如service.txt或license.lic)中指定的TCP端口号是正确的。 端口号应该是一个有效的、未被系统或其他应用...
3, 查看license用port是否被占用,如果是这个问题,可临时更改port启动一次试试,如果能成功说明是这个问题,按以下步骤更改回实际使用port # netstat -pan | grep port_number # lsof -i :port_number 得到占用这个端口的进程,kill掉就好了,如果不行,就等端口释放,可能需要几分钟。 4,确保tcp协议已启动 可通过ping...
(lmgrd) Failed to open the TCP port number in the license.Causes: Port used by license file already in use.Solution: To solve this issue, change the port used on the Autodesk server. See How to change the as...
When launching the Network License Manager on macOS, the following error message appears on the Terminal: Failed to open the TCP port number in the license file Corrupted hosts file. Repair or restore the hosts file in the sys...
I get error Failed to open the TCP port number in the license. trying to start Matlab in LMTOOLS. It worked yesterday. But now can't be started. There is no changes in the license file. And it containts correct hostname, MAC and ports. ...
Failed to ..遇到了同样的问题,把licence.dat中的端口号改一下就可以了。有一种情况是网络端口不可用,把虚拟机制网络从Host-only改为NAT即可
在macOS上启动Network License Manager时,终端上显示以下错误消息: 无法打开许可文件中的TCP端口号 环境:Mac 原因:主机文件已损坏。 解决方案: 按照以下步骤修复或恢复系统中的hosts文件 打开“转到”(Go) > “转到文件夹...
request和requestInStream的使用边界问题 如何使用Charles工具抓包 Socket下的TLSConnectOptions不配置是否会使用手机上的默认证书 在使用Socket连接相关接口时,NetAddress的address参数只能是IP地址,如果只有host的情况如何处理 在建立好TCPSocket之后,如何将复合类型结构转换为ArrayBuffer 如何将Axios获取GBK格式的网络...
Failed to connect to the TCP server. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning DestIp Destination address. DestPort Destination port number. Result Return value. Common return values are as follows: -22: Incorrect parameter 1: Socket error. 4: Interrupted system call AppType Channel type:...
Why Error "Add rule to chip failed" or Is Error "Adding rule failed" Is Frequently Reported When an ACL Rule Contains a TCP or UDP Port Range? The number of applied rules that contain "range" has reached or exceeded the maximum. The S series cards support 16 TCP or UDP port ranges ...