在虚拟机的 settings 中点击 "Upgrade" 按钮,或者在命令行中执行 "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox" 命令,进行升级或重新安装。 总之,“failed to send host log message virtualbox kali linux”这个错误通常是由于虚拟机的网络设置或系统配置出现问题所导致的。通过检查网络设置、提高日...
(Manjaro)VirtualBox异常修复:RTR3InitEx failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912) 2019-12-22 14:19 −## 引言 VirtualBox运行异常好几天,其中尝试一些操作都没有解决。 ### 版本说明 系统版本:4.19.88-1-MANJARO Vbox镜像:kali-linux-2019.4-vbox-amd64.ova ### 操作分析 主要操作及分析如下: 1. 直接在*...
I don't know if you have had this other issue as well, but when trying to sync the account to allow for bootloader unlocking, it now fails basically all the time. I think I was lucky on Sunday and got a success response once but that was it; all other responses are something of th...
My problem is, when I shut down my virtual machine and make the iwconfig wlan0 auto before I shut down my machine the error in the next session appears again. And when I see this error I just want to break everting near me.
When I tried to install Kali Linux 1.0.6 today, I got an error. I didn’t really knew exactly at what percentile it failed, but the error message was “Installing step failed” and I could either take a screenshot or Continue from there. Very annoying. I saw many people who had the...