所以第二天早上会出现错误:Failed to open rtsp://xxxxxx。 我们打开rtsp流错误,所以只能从代码中分析问题所在。首先要定位到是哪个地方输入的rtsp流: 随后找到在哪里打开的rtsp流: LoadStreams进行了初始化,并输入其中一个参数rtsp流: 代码语言:javascript 复制 fori,sinenumerate(sources):# Start the thread to...
首先要定位到是哪个地方输入的rtsp流: 随后找到在哪里打开的rtsp流: LoadStreams进行了初始化,并输入其中一个参数rtsp流: for i, s in enumerate(sources): # Start the thread to read frames from the video stream print(f'{i + 1}/{n}: {s}... ', end='') cap = cv2.VideoCapture(eval(s) ...
所以第二天早上会出现错误:Failed to open rtsp://xxxxxx。 我们打开rtsp流错误,所以只能从代码中分析问题所在。首先要定位到是哪个地方输入的rtsp流: 随后找到在哪里打开的rtsp流: LoadStreams进行了初始化,并输入其中一个参数rtsp流: fori, sinenumerate(sources):# Start the thread to read frames from the ...
所以第二天早上会出现错误:Failed to open rtsp://xxxxxx。 我们打开rtsp流错误,所以只能从代码中分析问题所在。首先要定位到是哪个地方输入的rtsp流: 随后找到在哪里打开的rtsp流: LoadStreams进行了初始化,并输入其中一个参数rtsp流: for i, s in enumerate(sources): # Start the thread to read frames fro...
我的rtsp在vlc中可以播放,但是在app端就播放不了 Failed to open file 'rtsp://IP:554/pag://IP:7302:摄像头编号:0:SUB:TCP?streamform=rtp' or configure filtergraph#5047 ushergoopened this issueMay 19, 2020· 2 comments Comments Failed to open file 'rtsp://IP:554/pag://IP:7302:摄像头编...
在测试 EasyRTC 新版的点对点通话功能时,出现报错:Failed to execute ‘send’ on ‘RTCDataChannel’: RTCDataChannel.readyState is not ‘open’,并且不能将消息成功的发给对方。 查看代码如下: //实例化发送通道 sendChannel = localConnection.createDataChannel('webrtc-datachannel'); ...
Failed to start RTSP handshake There are no other error messages shown on the screen and i can't get anything to display. What can I do to trouble shoot this issue? Where are the logs stored? The host machine has the UDP/TCP ports open for GFE streaming so that's not an issue......
EasyRTC 通话报错 `Failed to execute 'send' on 'RTCDataChannel': RTCDataChannel.readyState is not 'open'`修复,WebRTC的存在给在线视频会议系统带来了新的模式,TSINGSEE青犀视频开发的网页视频会议系统EasyRTC综合了webrtc和rtmp/rtsp方案的优点,支持一对一、一对多
1 slot:1 partition:0 error:0' 19:45:03: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'ERROR: OPEN handle NULL and no error, weird 344530516' 19:45:03: INFO: TARGET SAID: 'ERROR: Failed to open device, type:eMMC, slot:1, lun:0 error:3' 19:45:03: {ERROR: Something failed with the <erase> command. ...
CURLE_LOGIN_DENIED, /* 67 - user, password or...similar was not accepted and we failed to login */ CURLE_TFTP_NOTFOUND..., /* 81 - socket is not ready for send/recv, wait...command failed */ CURLE_RTSP_CSEQ_ERROR, /* 85 - mismatch of RTSP CSeq ...