在modelsim界面,点开work,找到其中相对应的测试文件的名称,然后回到quartus中操作一下步骤:assignment——setting——simulation——compile test bench ——test benches——新建——将正确测试名称填进去——删除原来的test bench 解决
如$readmemb("E:/Verilog/Example/equal/dev/vector.txt", v_mem); 这个语句就是正确的,而如果用斜杠就有问题,如:$readmemb("E:VerilogExampleequaldevvector.txt", v_mem);会出现Failed to open readmem file“data.txt”in read mode 的警告。 0 淘帖 显示全部楼层 相关推荐 • 如何对Spiff进行...
modelsim10.4仿真错误Error: (vlog-7) Failed to open design unit file "XXXXX" in read mode解决办法 答:此错误消息表示尝试以读取模式打开指定的文件时出现问题。 解决方法:1、文件路径不对,或者文件不存在,找到对应文件放到指定文件下 2、工作目录设置错误,设置工作目录为测试文件所在目录,并且要包含有功能文件...
解决只读模式U盘保护格式化或者dd写报错:ERROR: failed to open ‘/dev/sdb’ in read-write mode: Read-only file system. 或者:dev/sdb: 只读文件系统 while setting up superblock。 在平常的学习和工作当中都会用到U盘,但有时候我们在拷贝文件资料的过程中,一不小心,就导致不能正常使用,想想里面的几十G的...
Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file "directory/file name" in read mode. Can you inform me how I can overcome it? I am using ModelSim Altera Starter 10.1d with Quartus II 13.1. Thanks! Translate Tags: Intel® Quartus® P...
·从SOPC运行Modelsim-ALTERA仿真,键入run时出现的警告:** Warning: (vsim-7) Failed to open read...
Error: Failed to open database "/var/lib/vnstat/vnstat.db" in read-only mode. #134 Closed Arvinshu opened this issue Aug 3, 2019· 3 comments Comments Arvinshu commented Aug 3, 2019 i install vnstat-2.3.tar.gz in centos 7.6 this is the command i use to install vnstat: #...
The following error message is received when adding Revit links through Desktop Connector, reloading links, synchronizing, opening worksets containing links, or using "Load as Group" in Revit: Revit Failed to open document. Additional Symptoms Th...
MessageId: DTS_E_RAWREADFAILED MessageText: The raw adapter attempted to read %1!d! bytes in the input file for column "%2!s!" with lineage ID %3!d!, but there was an error. The error returned from the operating system should have been previous
Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file " " in read mode What is the cause of this error? Solution This (vcom-7) error message indicates that a problem occurred while trying to open the specified file in read mode. You need to verify that the path exists and that you have...