Gradle sync failed: Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network) Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log) 这个问题出现的原因是因为我安装androi...
方法/步骤 1 相信不少用android studio同学也遇到和我一样的问题吧;下面我把解决这个问题的经验跟大家分享一下;2 在网上搜索了一下,发现问题出在gradle-wrapper.properties上,出现这个问题的项目都是应为使用了,而studio 无法直接下载gradle-3.3-all.zip导致;打开android studio项目,看红...
Failed to open zip file解决 上周Android studio最新版本发布了。 由于太忙没有在第一时间响应更新,今天有点空闲时间,在早上更新了。 更新到as2.3后,打开正在开发的项目发现编译不了了,提示 Failed to open zip file。点击 redownload dependencies and sync然并卵。 rebuild,sync都不行。如图: 简单粗暴的,解决方法...
Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt 错误解决 network) Re-downloaddependenciesandsyncproject (requires network)解决方法:1:打开一个可以运行的项目,查看...新建一个项目的时候,出现以下的错误:Failedtoopenzipfile. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this Android知识点...
failed to sync branchYou might need to open a shell and debug the state of this repo. i made some changes to a file a month ago. i just realized today that they didn't go anywhere; the GitHub web-site has no history of my changes. ...
【实例解决办法】Android Studio:design editor is unavailabel until after a successful project sync. / Gradle sync failed: Failed to open zip file. 解决办法 视频链接:优爱
failed to sync branchYou might need to open a shell and debug the state of this repo. i made some changes to a file a month ago. i just realized today that they didn't go anywhere; the GitHub web-site has no history of my changes. ...
[ERROR] [MY-010846] [Server] MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_purge_index_file failed to open register file. 2 是 难易度是根据第一次遇到时, 处理时间来判断的, 不一定准确, 请读者自行斟酌. 所给的案例都尽量给出能复现的脚本, 通常是python写的, 偶尔也会有shell写的. 本系列出现的截图均为模拟环境. 报错...
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll MessageId: DTS_E_FSTASK_SYNCFAILED MessageText: Synchronization object failed. C# 複製 public const int DTS_E_FSTASK_SYNCFAILED = -1073573544; Field Value Value = -1073573544 Int32 Applies to 產品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK ...