求助:一直打不开提示..兄弟,问题我解决了 你是用迅雷下的3DM的bt资源吧,那个迅雷下载下出来的文件不全,你需要在迅雷里全选而不是默认选中Ready or Not 那个文件夹,里面有几个关键的txt和其他的文件,迅雷默认是
然后我没屏蔽小蓝熊直接启动了一次 提醒说根目录里一个叫winmm.dll的文 ...哥们
当你遇到“failed to load dll from the list”这样的错误时,通常意味着程序在尝试加载一个或多个DLL(动态链接库)文件时失败了。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查问题: 检查DLL文件是否存在于指定位置 确保程序尝试加载的DLL文件确实存在于程序指定的路径中。你可以通过程序的配置文件或环境变量...
Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged. Verify the permissions for the DLL. Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler. Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about...
users might encounter ‘Error Code 126’ when they try to open an application on their Windows desktop. It happens, due to some corruption in files or outdated drivers. If you are facing ‘Failed to load dll from the list: Error Code 126‘ on your Windows desktop, this guide might help...
Is OnlineFix64.dll a virus? Things to consider when downloading games or other software What does the OnlineFix64.dll error actually mean? When you get the error “failed to load OnlineFix64.dll from the list error code 126,” it means a game or app can’t find this file. You might...
error code一般指错误代码,错误(error )是指人们在使用软、硬件的时候,软、硬件不能正常操作的一种现象。由于错误的类型很多,为了对错误进行区分,系统设定了错误代码(error code),软、硬件在运行中如果发生错误,将通过它内部的原有的设定判断、识别而通过错误代码的显示方式给操作者,操作者通过...
去压缩包依次打开Minecraft Dungeons\Dungeons\Binaries\Win64然后复制OnlineFix64.dll 到提示文件夹即可 二、提示failed to load xxx.dll from the list. Error code:126 安装C++运行库后即可解决大部分 安装下面运行库重新打开或重启电脑即可 微软常用运行库合集 2023.05.15 ...
Failed to load OnlineFix64.dll from the list Error code: 126 加了联机补丁就出现这段话,这是啥...