把vsftpd安装配置好了,以为大功告成,但客户端访问提示如下错误: vsftpd Transfer done (but failed to open directory) 原因是CentOS系统安装了SELinux,因为默认下是没有开启FTP的支持,所以访问时都被阻止了。 //首先查看SELinux设置 # getsebool -a|grep ftp 发现ftpd_disable_trans –> off 或者 ftp_home_dir...
在centOS上搭建ftp,使用ftp localhost测试匿名登录,查看匿名目录文件夹的时候, 发现匿名登录成功,但是查看目录却失败,报了这个错误:226 transfer done but failed to open directory 目录 1、将SELINUX的值设置为disable 2、重启服务器 3、运行结果 1、将SELINUX的值设置为disable vim /etc/selinux/config 2、重启...
I basically stripped it down to the point of working and then starting adding stuff until it broke again. But both of the marked solutions were helpful. Linux Linux is a UNIX-like open source operating system with hundreds of distinct distributions, including: Fedora, openSUSE, U...
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: failed to open ID file '/root/.pub': No such file or directory,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Linux VM 在 LIS 升级后不会启动 由于完整的 OS 磁盘,Linux VM 无法启动 排查OS 磁盘中使用 LVM 时的 VM 问题 禁用VFAT 后 VM 无法启动 VM 无法启动并降落在 dracut 紧急外壳中 VM 由于配置错误而无法启动 无法启动或停止 VM VM 意外重启或停止
解决Linux下php require报错failed to open stream: No such file or directory 报错如下: 原因:Linux环境下运行php加载文件对大小写敏感,所以在写法命名和加载的必须要一致。 本次错误是因为我有一个PHP 类文件名称是class-G.php,但是加载时是时的写法原因把大写转成了小写class-g.php。
This is a linux issue not Guake issue the fix is in this link https://bobcares.com/blog/too-many-open-files/ If you are using Visual Studio Code or Sublime or JetBrains something, these open lots of files to observe. Also if you have many services and watchers @Davidy22 Collaborator ...
错误failed to build: Cannot open include file: 'sqlfront.h': No such file or directory 一般来说, 安装pymssql您会期待一个很顺畅的过程。 但是,如果依赖的东西没有安装完整就会跳出这样的错误警告。 failed to build: Cannot open include file: 'sqlfront.h': No such file or directory ...
failed to open stream: No such file or directory 问题大全 2015-11-09 10:07 −... 张张张浩 0 36117 DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 和 PATH_SEPARATOR 2010-06-22 15:23 −DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR:目录分隔符,linux上就是’/’ windows上是’\’ PATH_SEPARATOR:路径分隔符,include多个路径使用,在win下,当你要inc...
MacPorts: error: failed to destroot gom: staging gom into destroot failed -- no destroot found at No destroot found at ... 错误发生在之前从二进制压缩包安装失败的情况下。 解决方法不是手动操作,…