Suppressed: Failed to open dex files from /data/app/ because: Failed to open dex file '/data/app/' from memory: Unrecognized version number in /data/app/ 0 3 9 at dalvik.system.DexFile.openDexFileNat...
Eclipse Package Explorer中找到Servers,点击你所需要运行的tomcat的config配置文件,例如 demo-config,双击该文件夹下的server.xml,可以看到如下内容: <Host appBase="webapps" autoDeploy="false" name="localhost" unpackWARs="true" xmlNamespaceAware="false" xmlValidation="false"> <Context docBase="demo" path...
E/Tinker.ParallelDex: Failed to optimize dex: /data/user/0/ Failed to open dex files from /data/user/0/ because: Failure to verify dex file '/data/user...
I am facing this issue when trying to run any flutter application on android emulator or physical device. It fails while executing adb command for installing the application. However if I run the same command manually, It fails with the ...
I have successfully updated an app from Xamarin.Forms v2 to version 4.5. Unfortunately I am unable to install the app on the Android emulator, receiving the following error:複製 ADB0010: Mono.AndroidTools.InstallFailedException: Unexpected install output: Error: Failed to parse APK file: /data...
ADB0010: Mono.AndroidTools.InstallFailedException: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.companyname.appname-w4jR_g7Ki-eDsfg24hSJUA==: Package /data/app/com.companyname.appname-w4jR_g7Ki-eDsfg24hSJUA==/base.apk code is missing] at Mono....
没办法只能,自己翻源码去查找到这一行代码,调用的是DexLoader.invokeMethod函数,内部处理是通过Android系统的动态加载能力,去获取系统中,com.tencent.tbs.reader.TbsReader阅读器。 com.tencent.tbs.reader.TbsReader其实是会去找微信,QQ,QQ浏览器下的X5内核。如果是有的话,是能正常打开的。并且我是偶现,说明我是安装...
The syncing of data is always a pain in the a***... You could read comfortably on the big screen while sitting in the bus/train, then stow the big screen and continue on the phone while walking to your next destination. Phone always fully charged because the big screen battery was gre...
The syncing of data is always a pain in the a***... You could read comfortably on the big screen while sitting in the bus/train, then stow the big screen and continue on the phone while walking to your next destination. Phone always fully charged because the big screen battery was gre...
1)因为遇到了Unable to load SELinux policy from the kernel: Failed to open file “/sys/fs/selinux/policy”: Permission denied的问题,在这里找到了解决答案,即调用: setenforce 0。这个命令会暂时禁用selinux,下次重启后就会恢复。