I get the error: Authentication failed, Failed to obtain access token. With no other logs. Possible Solution I have no idea, what is going wrong. Steps to Reproduce I follow the exact steps from the official documentation:https://backstage.io/docs/auth/github/provider Create a github OAuth ...
Assume ${X} is replaced with the correct key for each field. I can't seem to make heads or tails if it's coming from the gitlab side of things, or if it's coming from the gitlab backend integration. Would really appreciate any pointers or suggestions to tackle this. Attached are so...
你访问的用户信息,如果是ssl站点,必须配置证书. 在main函数里配置 System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "E://rest.truststore");
I am using an external IDP, when i try to authenticate I am getting the following error: "com.saasure.platform.services.idp.exception.IdpAuthenticationException: Could not obtain access token from OIDC." as can see also in the image: I am not sure why it happ...
运行工程到本地模拟器,提示“Failed to get the device apiVersion” 问题现象 本地模拟器已启动后,运行工程到本地模拟器,提示“Failed to get the ……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
standard: Standard storage class. It features low access latency and high throughput, and is applicable to storing frequently accessed data (multiple accesses per month) or data that is smaller than 1 MB. warm: Infrequent Access storage class. It is ideal for storing infrequently accessed (less ...
(6) Login timed out, failing to obtain a correct token validity period. Assume that you selectKeep Logged Inwhen logging in to the FineBI system. If you log in at 3 o'clock and perform an operation on the platform at 3:20 when the login timeout interval is set to 1 hour: ...
As your error message indicates,sending messages in chatdoes not support application-only contexts. So you must grantdelegated permissionsto your app and use the delegated authentication flow (auth code floworROPC flow) to obtain an access token. ...
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0.WorkaroundTo work around this problem, update the user name to be the same as the user ID. To do it, update the value in the User Name field in the User Setup window to match the value that is in...