Hi there, I´m not able to install AospExtended or any other Custom ROM on my Z2 Pro. I spent several days on troubleshooting without any success. TWRP /...
I'm trying to install LineageOS and then GAPPS on my Pixel XL from TWRP recovery. I'll try to `Advance Wipe` the `/systems` directory and `Format Data`, but I continue to get multiple errors: Code: Failed to mount '/system' (Device or resource busy) Code: Failed ...
可能路径选错了,选择目录下需要有flash_all_lock.bat文件。 15. 刷twrp挂载不了data怎么办 需要找支持解密的twrp版本,由于新机twrp适配难度,很多已停止更新。 16. 红米note11 4g 国行版,,一个线刷包刷到手机后,出现nv数据已损坏。什么时候有高一点版本的线刷包吗,靠 目前不清楚其它版本线刷包更新时间,通常卡刷...
I:mount -o bind '/data/media/0' '/sdcard' process ended with RC=0 I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/a8cb903b' I:Settings storage is '/data/media/0' I:Decrypt adopted storage starting I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/data/system/storage.xml' ...
Unable to mount storage Unable to mount /data/media/TWRP/.twrps I'm currently running apbf to bruteforce the pattern passcode that I never set in hopes to decrypt my phone. Not even sure it will work though as I don't have FBE user 0 mounted? I have my dad's phone which basically...
And today when i try to reset factory, it stuck in the MI Logo (Show and then turned off). So i forgot to flashing the twrp again last time, so i left it without any recovery. The only way is repairing it with Fastboot and installing TWRP. So i start installing all driver and ...
EithoocommentedMar 13, 2020 crokcommentedMar 13, 2020• edited Author I copied the firmware to SD Card again (via ADB this time), changed the TWRP version to the older one and this time it worked. Apparently earlier the file was copied incorrectly. ...
about to run program [/tmp/install/bin/backuptool.sh] with 4 args umount: /system: Device or resource busy mount: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p23'->'/system': Device or resource busy /tmp/addon.d/50-lineage.sh[43]: can't create temporary file : No such file or directory ...