bash dmesg | grep mount 查找更详细的错误信息。 修复文件系统(如果需要): bash sudo fsck -f /dev/sda1 注意:在运行 fsck 之前,请确保设备未被挂载。通过以上步骤,你应该能够诊断并解决 mount failed: invalid argument 错误。如果问题仍然存在,请考虑查阅操作系统的官方文档或寻求社区帮助。
三星s3刷机方法,此方法为官方线刷 教程
通过strace mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock23 /rootfs,确定是mount系统调用返回Invalid argument。 通过ftrace查看mount调用定位: echo *sys_mount > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_graph_function echo function_graph > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_trace 执行mount命令,然后查看函数调用关系: cat /sys/k...
提示E: failed to mount/efs (Invalid argument) 不开机,怎么 昨天晚上手机正在使用当中,手机没有信号(最近老出现这个问题),忘了关机,扣电池。然后开机就卡在三星画面上不动。。不能进recovery模式。没办法。。刷入港行4.1.2底包。还是不能开机能进入recovery模式
Hello, I've the problem that i can't wipe everything, bacause idk... Here are the errors: >Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument) >Failed to wipe...
1 - Device does not accept any of the official ROMS (After the cell phone is restarted by Odin it goes back to the Samsung screen). 2 - Cellphone showing error in recovery mode '' E: failed to mount / efs (invalid argument) '' Some notes: I do not have access to the system usin...
If you want that additional feature, sshfs with reverse forwarding may work for you: Actually we can consider adding such feature to Moby and I'm 👍 for discussing that, but implementing such feature woul...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument The的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument The问答内容。更多NTFS
I've got the above error (failed to mount '/persist' (invalid argument)) whenever I try to install/restore etc ROMs/Nandroid. I've tried all sorts of things, different recoveries, different roms which when you attempt to boot anyway will just forever boot. I now find myself on the ori...