I am trying to launch an application (not Eclipse) that was written in Java. When I do, I get an error that says "Failed to Load the JNI shared Library (JDK)" along with a path that points to the location of the file. From searching Google and StackOverflow, all I can find are ...
eclipse主要是由java语言编写的,如果jdk版本和位数和eclipse安装版本所需要的版本位数不相同的话,启动时会报"Failed to load the JNI share liabrary"错误 我们如何查看eclipse的版本要求呢,在eclipse的安装目录下有一个叫 eclipse.ini的配置文件 我们打开它,就可以看到要求的jdk版本。如下图...
1 eclipse主要是由java语言编写的,如果jdk版本和位数和eclipse安装版本所需要的版本位数不相同的话,启动时会报"Failed to load the JNI share liabrary"错误 2 我们如何查看eclipse的版本要求呢,在eclipse的安装目录下有一个叫eclipse.ini的配置文件 3 我们打开它,就可以看到要求的jdk版本。如下图,我的eclipse锁...
Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:/JDK/bin/client/jvm.dll". Following this, Eclipse force closes. Here are a few points I'd like to make: I checked to see if anything exists on that path. It does exist. My Eclipse and Java SE Development Kit are both 64-bit. I checked ...
The “Failed to load the JNI shared library” error is generally caused by two reasons: The architecture version (32 or 64 bits) of your Java and your Spring Tool Suite don’t match; Your STS.ini is pointing to your Java home directory instead of the Java executable. ...
启动Eclipse 弹出“Failed to load the JNI shared library jvm.dll”的解决方法! 原因:eclipse的版本与jre或者jdk版本不一致 对策:要么两者都安装64位的,要么都安装32位的,不能一个是32位一个是64位。 这种错误的原因可能性比较大,不排除其他因素 ”按钮,您的“”将是我最大的写作动力!
Failed to load E:\SDK\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\27.0.3\lib\dx.jar,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
eclipse启动出现Failed to load the JNI shared library 查看一下jdk版本 打开eclipse安装路径,查看eclipse版本,打开eclipse.ini(用记事本或者文本编辑工具) 发现是版本不一致问题,jdk是64,eclipse是32 配置版本一致的jdk,或者重装eclipse即可 JAVA_HOME jdk的安装路径 C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_14_R27.6.5-32 ...
env: load .env env: export EXPO_PUBLIC_API_URL › Building app... Starting Metro Bundler warning: Bundler cache is empty, rebuilding (this may take a minute) Android Bundled 8071ms node_modules\expo-router\entry.js (1169 modules) Writing bundle output to: C:\Users\mathl\AppData\Local...