Maybe if we cut some traces on a board but I'll have to look at the schematic. I can also confirm that running with light sleep set to false for the DFS and WIFI_PS_MAX_MODEM didn't cause any crashes at all for the last day. esp_pm_config_esp32_t pm_config = { .max_freq_...
The graphic was simplified to allow better visualization, since 30 periods of the alternating bending stress curve would occur before the inversion of the signal of the alternating torsional load stress. Figure 8. Schematic representation of bending and torsion stresses along the machine life. The ...
Overloads, including possible misuses of the VTD, are difficult to quantify. According to ANSI/ASME and to Niemann, these transient loads need to be considered through the incorporation of safety factors that take into account the severity of a hoisting shaft rupture in terms of safety, machine...
Overloads, including possible misuses of the VTD, are difficult to quantify. According to ANSI/ASME and to Niemann, these transient loads need to be considered through the incorporation of safety factors that take into account the severity of a hoisting shaft rupture in terms of safety, machine...