Hello, I'm not sure I am at the right place but maybe someone can redirect me because I've been trying to solve this for two days and I haven't managed yet. The main issue is something with cairo using conda installation. Here is the env...
failed to load cairo DLL 原来是Mac OS X 在 Mountain Lion 之后放弃 X11, 导致出现依赖包丢失 error 安装X11https://www.xquartz.org/就可以 参考这篇https://blog.csdn.net/rojyang/article/details/81161868
首先我们找到报错库的位置。这里可以使用pip show cairosvg: 其中的Location就是包的安装路径,进入库目录(cairocffi)后,打开其中的__init__.py文件: 可以看到报错的位置是第 35 行代码,而调用这个函数的位置就是第 38 行代码,而这个函数的逻辑就是查找 dll, 输入是4个文名,内部循环 lib 与名字进行拼接也就是...
首先我们找到报错库的位置。这里可以使用pip show cairosvg: 其中的Location就是包的安装路径,进入库目录(cairocffi)后,打开其中的 __init__.py 文件: 可以看到报错的位置是第 35 行代码,而调用这个函数的位置就是第 38 行代码,而这个函数的逻辑就是查找 dll, 输入是...
OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo / cairo-2 / cairo-gobject-2 / cairo.so.2 解决思路 引发操作系统错误(“dlopen()未能加载库:%s“%”/“。join(names)) OS错误:dlopen()加载库失败: 解决方法 参考国外网友方法 安装GTK+:GTK+:GTK+的简介、安装、使用方法之详细攻略 ...
Solution to issue cannot be found in the documentation. I checked the documentation. Issue I try installing rasterio from conda-forge (Windows), but when importing rasterio I get an error. I.e.: (test) C:\Users\asdf>python -c "import ras...
# reduce polling frequency to once per 10 seconds # for UFS file systems in order to lower CPU load fsset ufs poll 10 === ===> Returning to build of apache-openoffice3-3.4.1_2 ===> apache-openoffice3-3.4.1_2 depends on shared library...
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _gdal: Impossível localizar o procedimento especificado. On Windows, with Python >= 3.8, DLLs are no longer imported from the PATH. If gdalXXX.dll is in the PATH, then set the USE_PATH_FOR_GDAL_PYTHON=YES environment variable to feed the PATH...
成功解决from scipy.linalg import _fblas ImportError: DLL load failed: 找不到指定的模块。 目录 解决问题 解决思路 解决方法 解决问题 from scipy.linalg import _fblas ImportError: DLL load failed: 找不到指定的模块。 解决思路 找不到指定的模块 ...
_load_site_packages(291): Problem reading non-conda package record at Lib/site-packages/pywin32-305.1-py3.8.egg-info/PKG-INFO. Please verify that you still need this, andifso, that this is still installed correctly. Reinstalling this package may help. WARNING conda.core.prefix_data:_load_...