1、Rules–CustomizeRules(快捷键Ctrl + R)打开FiddlerScriptEditor2、Ctrl + F 查找m_SimulateModem标志位...、打开fiddler,Rules–> Performances –> Simulate Modem Speeds 勾当选中此选项网速就会变很慢,这样就实现了弱网络 Fiddler弱网/低网速测试 Fiddler弱网/低网速测试 需要进行如下设置: 1.设置“允许远程...
> Executing task: which nvm < The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe -e which nvm" failed to launch (exit code: 1). Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it. I also ran the first task after changing the default shell from wsl to cmd which seems to...