OR edit launch.json to point to the gdb-multiarch { "name": "Cortex Debug OpenOCD", "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "executable": "./build/aero2_firmware.elf", "request": "attach", "type": "cortex-debug", "servertype": "openocd", ... "showDevDebugOutput": false, "gdbpath": "...
The GDB server takes a while to run and it timeouts all of the time. There is no way to increase the timeout length. This should be configurable. The following is my debug console output: Cortex-Debug: VSCode debugger extension version 1...
Debug: 538 2349 gdb_server.c:406 gdb_log_outgoing_packet(): [stm32h7x.cpu0] sending packet: $O44455052454341544544212028433a2f50726f6772616d2046696c65732f4461697379546f6f6c636861696e2f62696e2f2e2e2f2f736372697074732f7461726765742f73746d33326837782e6366673a3233342920757365202765787072207b2028373836343...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Sysprogs\VisualKernel\OpenOCD\bin\openocd.exe -c “gdb_port 59240” -c “telnet_port 59238” -c “debug_level 3” -c “bindto” -f interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h.cfg -f target/raspberrypi4.cfg -c “echo VisualGDB_OpenOCD_Ready” xPack OpenO...
to USB passthroughsettings.Checkin the task list that another OpenOCD process is not running.Check 张峰99982018-09-26 16:40:24 CC3200不能通过CCS Uniflash连接下载程序问题的解决办法? checkyour COM portsettings.Error code: 1[20:04:36] INFO: > Executing Operation: Disconnect[20:04 ...
Check config file order. Error: unable to select a session transport. Can't continue. shutdown command invoked and a messagesFailed to launch OpenOCD GDB Server: Timeout.. Is that means there is something missing fortransports? But I cant find any parameter to set this. ...
Hi, I just hitting the following error while attempting to debug: I'm using st-link and the target is stm32f405rgt6, I try to solve this problem following issue #166, but nothing happend. There are some log in Terminal SERVER CONSOLE DEB...
Press F5 to launch debug , a message box with the error "Failed to init Debug Adapter". But if I manually execute "idf.py gdbgui" , everything works fine. OS: Windows11 21H2(22000.469) VSCode: 1.64.1 vscode-esp-idf-extension: v1.3.0 esp-...
Wrote my program and then tried to lauch the OCD server (I've set my port and target). But I allways get the failed to init debug adapter. Maybe I need to change something int the launch.json in order to make it work. Here's my esp-idf doctor command output report.txt...
When I switch to theespuser I can`t start theopenocdserver. (Marked 3 in the image) Theespuser is added to thedialoutgroup by the defaultDockerfileto allow access to thettydevices. (Marked as 4 in the image) Is anyone facing a similar problem, or has any idea what I am missing?