$ sh ~/Downloads/x86_64-buildtools-nativesdk-standalone-2.7.1.sh During execution, a prompt appears that allows you to choose the installation directory. For example, you could choose the following: /home/your-username/buildtools source /home/your_username/buildtools/environment-setup-x86-...
OpenGLES3,OpenGLES3.1,OpenCL,OpenCL1.1,OpenCL1.2,OpenVX,OpenVX1.1] --UseExtensions [*] --Variants [WindowSystem=Wayland] --BuildThreads 4 -c install --CMakeInstallPrefix /work/imx8_linux_project/imx-yocto-bsp/imx8qxpc0mek_wayland/tmp/work/aarch64-mx8-poky-linux/imx-gpu-...
This is an attempt to run Ros2/Rviz in yocto linux which runs under QNX hypervisor on aarch64 architecture. Also we have solved yocto and qt and 3d acceleration Using this repo I have successfully build image with yocto+ros2. Addid rviz layer causing all sort of unmet dependencies. namely...
ERROR: Task (<petalinux-path>/petaLinux/components/yocto/source/arm/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/recipes-bsp/device-tree/device-tree.bb:do_compile) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2994 tasks of which 2963 didn't need to be rerun and 1...
# Supported values are i686, x86_64, aarch64 #SDKMACHINE ?= "i686" # # Extra image configuration defaults # # The EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variable allows extra packages to be added to the generated # images. Some of these options are added to certain image types automat...
NOTE: The errors for this build are stored in /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/auh/build/build/tmp/log/error-report/error_report_20240101124346.txt You can send the errors to a reports server by running: send-error-report /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/auh/build/build/tmp/log/error-report/error...
aarch64-xilinx-linux and /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/arm/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-xilinx-linux-gnueabi and I was able to build the project. Still, I could not reproduce this on petalinux 2017.2. Therefore, for now I should switch to 2016.4 until a solution is found....
/home/wcram/ti-processor-sdk-linux-automotive-dra7xx-evm- SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="? if command is 'mkview': /home/wcram/ti-processor-sdk-linux-automotive...
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.|ERROR: Task (/src/imx-yocto-bsp/sources/meta-imx/meta-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/linux-libc-headers_5.10.bb:do_install) failed with exit code '1'Pseudo log:Setup complete, sending SIGUSR1 to pid 6772.path mismatch...
The kit imx8qxp-mek has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.When executing step "Build"11:25:22: Elapsed time: 00:00. Please help me on this issue. Labels: Yocto Project Tags: QT6 sdk 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 3 ...