方法/步骤 1 在电脑中打开360驱动大师。2 点击安装驱动.3 点击显卡驱动,点击一键安装。4 最后在电脑中打开球胜大本营即可。注意事项 如果无法解决,可以百度下载vulkan。希望这篇经验能够帮到你。
failed to ..AMD的核显和N卡独显都有vulkan,两个版本不一致,估计是存在冲突,N卡安装了最新驱动,而A卡还停留在老版本,导致不兼容,所以解决方法是下载A卡的最新驱动
Failed to initialize Vulkan. Please make sure your driver and GPU support Vulkan. To disable Vulkan, remove -vulkan from your launch options. If you chose Vulkan in the video settings, please add -safe_mode to your launch options to allow the game to start with the default rendersystem. ...
I have exactly the same problem : starting CS2 via Steam on Linux Mint gives "Failed to initialize Vulkan. Please make sure your driver and GPU support Vulkan". I tried disabling precaching shader (#3527 (comment)) My vulkanInfo result is the same as mackatosis (#3527 (comment)) lspci s...
打开bg3.exe这个图标就出现failed to initialize vulkan instance字样,怎么解决???
2437 无人深空吧 moda-txt 求助游戏进不去报错Unable to initialize Vulkan (vkEnumeratelnstanceExtensionProperties failed.) You may not have a Vulkan driver installed, or an old driver on your machine may be corrupted. 驱动是最新的,其他方法都试过,就是进不去 分享44 archlinux吧 我要买FD2 新手求...
After installing GPU drivers, it just showed a dialog and said "Failed to initialize video. Your GPU may not be supported, or your graphics drivers may need to be updated." But wait, I just installed the newest version of graphcis drivers! I have tri...
directx 12 directx12 failed to initialize game issue hogwarts legacyhannah5 Bit poster Messages: 1 Hello, I just got Parallels yesterday specifically so that I can play Hogwarts Legacy. I installed the game with no problem... however, it gives me this error every time I try to run it th...
Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch 运行nvidia 官方的程序,报错 no CUDA-capable device is detected 如下图: 然后解决的办法是: 重启。。。重启。。。 还好虚惊一场,只能说: Surprise surprise, rebooting solved the issue。
22:20:36: Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (1243). 分享6赞 xplane12吧 战斗不止915 彻底解决Vulkan问题经过我彻底的充分的了解,我发现出现Vulkan报错通常是以下几个原因导致 1. 显卡不支持Vulkan 2. 显卡驱动太低了 3. 游戏设置开高了 3. 游戏设置开高了 解决方法我也会分享到...