Tags does not support gpu failed to initialize video G Guinnivere New Member Dec 12, 2024 #1 I already asked for help in the discord along with a few other discord servers, tried reinstalling my drivers with DDU, used dxcpl, deleting profile's basic.ini to reset settings, tried both ...
*ATTACHED OBS LOGS* Failed to initialize video. GPU not supported, graphics drivers need to be updated. I have a NVDIA GeForce GTX 1650, running Direct X at 12. Whenever I have tried to open OBS it keeps showing me this error. I have updated my drivers, to no success, they are the...
下载地址在这里:DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer 3.如果以上两步骤都还不行,好哈录屏或者OBS都提示"Failed to initialize video. Your GPU may not be supported, or your graphics drivers may need to be updated." 那你可以参考这个链接的教程:zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/10 以上步骤,小编都是亲测的,...
3. **针对特定软件的故障排除**:如果以上两步仍无法解决问题,例如OBS提示"Failed to initialize video. Your GPU may not be supported, or your graphics drivers may nee",这通常意味着你的显卡或驱动可能不被软件完全支持。此时可以考虑:更新至最新版本的驱动和软件。尝试在软件的官方论坛或社区...
1回复贴,共1页 <<返回obs吧OBS报错failed to initialize video invalid parameters解决方案 只看楼主 收藏 回复 Xue 六年级 9 贴吧用户_7EQK5bN 托儿所 1 没用啊,删了重启还是提示。然后文件夹里又多出这个文件 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频!
obs安装后打开软件显示Failed to initalize video:Unspecifed error.怎么办? 解决方案:进入安全模式查看问题是否解决, 如果可以, 请升级最新的显卡驱动程序, 如果还不行,则很可能是显卡与并行端口存在冲突, 需要在安全模式按下WIN+break组合键打开"系统属性", 在硬件-->设
Go To Meeting Windows 10 cannot get the feed from OBS Virtual Camera. If in a meeting and I attempt to turn on my webcam, I get an 'Unable to share webcam' 'your webcam is already in use. Please close all other applications using your webcam and try again'...
Go To Meeting Windows 10 cannot get the feed from OBS Virtual Camera. If in a meeting and I attempt to turn on my webcam, I get an 'Unable to share webcam' 'your webcam is already in use. Please...Show More Like 0 Reply
Can you provide an example of how you initialize your agents and your GroupChat? In particular, are any of your agents using function calling? 👍 1 AssetDK commented Dec 28, 2023 • edited Hi everyone. I'm looking into this this now. Notably, I would expect GroupChat to work ...
' to 'vaapi' in settings I get "Failed to initialize Stream Session: avcodec_get_hw_config failed" when trying to connect to my PS4 Pro. Below is the output of 'vainfo' on my system. Hardware encode/decode works under OBS, but that's the only program I have to go off of for ...