我电脑换硬盘后,游戏安装好补丁后,就报Failed to initialize MelonLoader:LoadLibraryExW failed。常见问题里的方法都试过了,都没奏效。 日志文件 好像都没有 截图 还有别的吗? No response JiangHuyouyou173 added the 错误 label Jul 23, 2023 ZengXiaoPi added 重复 模组框架错误 labels Jul 24, 2023 ghost...
All of the following criteria must be met All Requirements must be installed. Changed the title so that it doesn't just says "[Bug]: " I have searched the GitHub issues for my bug, even in the closed issues. All of the following are opti...
你这应该是路径有中文, MelonLoader要求路径不能有中文 6楼2023-11-26 22:19 收起回复 㦡晏 中级粉丝 2 我也有个问题,我把补丁解压进game里后倒是能正常玩但是进去后还是有🐴的 来自Android客户端7楼2023-11-26 22:45 回复 别的规范化 初级粉丝 1 是version.dll这个文件的问题,删了能进,也是中文...
All of the following criteria must be met All Requirements must be installed. Full Latest.log file included. If no file exists then leave this unchecked and state so. All of the following are optional to answer Tried reinstalling the Gam...