针对你遇到的问题“failed to initialize database, got error dial tcp [::1]:3306: connect: connection refused”,这通常表示应用程序尝试通过IPv6地址连接到MySQL数据库,但连接被拒绝了。以下是根据你提供的提示,分点进行的详细分析和解决方案: 1. 检查MySQL数据库服务是否正在运行 首先,确保MySQL数据库服务已经...
为docker指定host failed to initialize database, got error dial tcp connect: connection refused Problem The problem is that when you spin up the container it tries to connect to within the container and not the host docker run--network="host"nkzongkun/go-gin:...
Error message: { "time": "2024-08-03T02:10:50.605460192Z", "level": "ERROR", "msg": "failed to initialize database, got error failed to connect to `host=DBurl user=username database=DBname`: dial error (timeout: dial tcp connect: connection timed out)" } Golan...
2021-03-17T10:01:26.023229058Z 2021-03-17T10:01:26.023Z ERROR operator.canary_controller wait/wait.go:155 error performing canary route check {"error": "error sending canary HTTP Request: Timeout: Get \"http://canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps.<domain>\": dial tcp $IP:80: i/o t...
(2) failed 5 attempts to get changefeed info Wraps: (3) dial tcp Wraps: (4) connect Wraps: (5) connection timed out Error types: (1) *withstack.withStack (2) *errutil.withPrefix (3) *net.OpError (4) *os.SyscallError (5) syscall.Errno Test: cdc/workload/...
05:29.200485 sensor.go:273: Info: Check Central status failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport: connecting to gRPC server "https://<ROX_ENDPOINT>:443/v1.MetadataService/GetMetadata": failed to WebSocket dial: expected handshake response status code 101 but got 500. Retrying.....
Login failed (profile error): error/Couldn't connect to server 连接加速器也不行、 分享1赞 uibot吧 RainStarsSpear 求助!官网下载不了显示Login failed: iat is in the future: 1642580498 分享1赞 泡泡堂吧 六的一典 点击泡泡堂exe文件后。总是报错: login failed check out the game or unstable ...
.NET Runtime 1026, Application Error 1000, DistributedCOM 10010 .NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.18444 - There was a failure initializing profiling API. .VBS Files won't run on Windows 7 'Access is denied' when trying to start Data Collector Set 'Insufficient system resources exist to complete ...
I keep getting the above error on all my SQL 2012 deployments (standard and enterprise) on all Windows Server 2012 Standard machines. I have already tried the following commands in administrator mode to resolve without success: lodctr bitsperf.dll lodctr /R:bitsperf.dll lodctr /R Any other su...
initializeTimeout: 4000 # (ms) 4s by default, waiting for initialization of natsmq finished. monitor: debug: false # false by default, If true enable debug log messages. logTime: true # true by default, If set to false, log without timestamps. logFile: # no log file by default, Log...