我的Xcode版本是15.0,最近在真机测试的时候,发现运行时老是卡顿在启动页面然后报错:failed to get the task for process。 经过多方尝试是因为Debug模式下使用了生产证书,即该证书不是development证书。 使用development证书即可解决改问题。 Xcode真的是越升级越难用啊,证书和运行模式都要一一对应了。 (特此记录,希望...
{ DVTRadarComponentKey = 855031; IDERunOperationFailingWorker = DBGLLDBLauncher; RawUnderlyingErrorMessage = "failed to get the task for process -1"; } Analytics Event: com.apple.dt.IDERunOperationWorkerFinished : { "device_model" = "iPhone11,2"; "device_osBuild" = "15.0 (19A346)"; ...
failed to get the task for process XXX 原因: 证书问题,project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,ADHOC的证书会出现此问题。 解决方案: project和targets的证书使用开发证书。 其他: failed to get the task for process XXX This error happens when you have set Distribution Provisioning profile in code signi...
Just had the same problem - app was being installed OK, but won't run from Xcode with the "process launch failed: failed to get the task for process". Turns out my development certificate expired during the night. Regenerating the certificate and the provisioning profiles solved the problem....
【iOS开发】 failed to get the task for process 个人开发者一般做了一个项目想要给别人用,做内测的时候,都要去Apple Developer生成一个Provisioning Profile,里面包含了你的开发者证书、你的内测设备的UDID等等。 给Project 配置 Provisioning Profile 然而,如果你按照百度的方法去配置它,会发现,虽然它可以成功的做...
xcode 真机调试 failed to get the task for process xxx此错误原因是,使用 in house profile 签名了真机调试的证书;在 target---build settings---code sign把 in house profile 改成 dev
真机调试,启动失败解决(failed to get the task for process) 来源: https://www.hangge.com/blog/cache/detail_1336.html image.png
failed to get the task for process XXX 原因: 证书问题,project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,ADHOC的证书会出现此问题。 解决方案: project和targets的证书使用开发证书。 其他: failed to get the task for process XXX This error happens when you have set Distribution Provisioning profile...
process launch failed: failed to get the task for process 9794 而使用模拟器运行是没问题的。 原因分析: 这是证书问题。真机调试project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,我之前使用发布证书发布程序后忘记改回来了。 问题解决: 在“Build Settings”->“Code Signing”中将Distribution改成Developer即可。
failed to get the task for process XXX iOS真机调试程序,报如下错误信息:failed to get the task for process XXX 解决方法如下: 证书问题,project和targets的证书都必须是开发证书,ADHOC的证书会出现此问题。 分享到: iOS Webapp的桌面图标及更新 | Reason: image not found 错误解决方法 2013-05-21 15...