在保证VCAP1和2都接着电容,BOOT0接着地的情况下,确保电源没有问题,接着检查jlink的线有没有接错。 当所有电路和连接没有问题时,观察jtag的灯是否每次插上都是由绿变红,如果由绿变红,说明该换一个一个jtag试…
在某些情况下,J-Link/Flasher仿真器可能无法与芯片正确连接,而导致在IDE中调试失败,出现例如“Failed to get CPU status after 4 retries”的报错信息,无法获取芯片的状态,可能是由于J-Link未与芯片成功连接导致的。 常见解决办法 一、验证J-Link与PC的连接 通常使用J-Link Commander来验证J-Link与PC的连接状况,...
J-Link Failed to get CPU status after 4 retries Retry意思是:J-Link未能获得CPU的状态后重试,重试4
If I start the debugging process without setting any breakpoints, the program would run and after a while IAR would prompt ' Failed to get CPU status after 4 retries. Retry?'. However, If I set some breakpoints to the program, the program execution would stop at the break...
In order to debug a hardware called Spectra, I have bought two Jlink EDU mini debuggers. However, I cann't achieve a successful download. The used integrated development environment was IAR Embedded Workbench V8.32.1. Some related documents (e.g., the…