你可以打开cmake/findtbb.cmake文件,并查找与TBB库路径相关的设置。 例如,如果文件中有一个类似于以下的行: cmake set(TBB_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include/tbb") 确保这个路径是正确的,或者根据你的TBB库的实际安装位置进行修改。 清理CMake构建目录并重新运行CMake: 如果TBB库路径已正确设置但问题依旧,你可以...
In CMake, I used "find_package(BLAS REQUIRED) and I got this error: "Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) " I followed the tutorial on mxe website, using "make cc cmake blas cblas lapack suitesparse" command to build packages. I...
I have tried to remove clapack and install lapack-reference. And it works well! However, I cannot install Clapack after that because of conflicts. PS D:\Software\vcpkg> ./vcpkg install eigen3 suitesparse clapack openblas ceres --triplet x64-windows Computing installation plan... The following ...