sudo chmod +x /sbin/init 但是,请注意,/sbin/init这样的关键系统文件通常默认就具有执行权限,除非系统被错误地修改过。 3. 检查系统引导配置是否正确 系统引导配置错误(如GRUB配置)可能是导致无法执行/sbin/init的原因。您需要检查引导加载程序(如GRUB)的配置文件,这通常位于/boot/grub/grub.cfg(或类似路径,具...
我照着这篇帖子安装的arch,安装前先在虚拟机里实验了的,安装木有问题,然后在真实机安装,安装过程一切顺利,但是启动就会报错,switch_root: failed to execute /sbin/init: no such file or directory第一次用U盘装的,装的是x86-64,而且硬盘模式选的ahci,因为U盘安装会将U盘...
Failed to execute /sbin/init. Attempting defaults... Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. Backtrace: [<a0546788>] (dump_backtrace+0x0/0x114) from [] (dump_stack+0x18/0x1c) r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:00000000 r4:a08ff730 [] (dump_stack+0...
方法二:本地ping服务器连接不到,总是超时 我的防火墙已经关闭,内网切换移动网络也不行,安全组已经打开,还是不行,最后看阿里云官方文档用vnc进入,还报错了。 无奈,只能求助阿里售后工程师。 测试一下,成功登陆进去 曲折的一天,我是提交工单进入的,智能客服只会发文档,不够智能哈,有个疑问,这个是不是产品缺陷?通过...
Failed to execute /init Failed to execute /sbin/init. Attempting defaults... Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. Backtrace: [<a0546788>] (dump_backtrace+0x0/0x114) from [] (dump_stack+0x18/0x1c) r7:00000000 r6...
Container fails to start (see above for details) Attempted workaround #2487also mentionsFailed to exec "/sbin/init"., but there it's aPermission deniedaka EACCES where I have aExec format erroraka ENOEXEC Anyway I gave the/usr/share/lxc/hooks/systemd-workaroundworkaround a try (#2487 (co...
The sad part is that I didn't find the source of that hook to test it out. Without being able to look at that hook we can't debug. Dragorn421mentioned this issueOct 7, 2023 Container fails to start:Exec format error - Failed to exec "/sbin/init"#4353 ...
[问题求助] 服务器启动报错failed to execute /sbin/init 服务器企业版584次浏览 ·1个回复 电梯直达到第 楼确定🍁 uos^1发表于2022-04-01 11:47楼主回复点赞0收藏只看作者所有回复 198***52 uos^1发表于2025-01-03 19:33沙发 您好,我现在也有个这个问题,非常紧急,求回复,这个问题解决了吗 回复点...
This boots the mini OS, but gives an error about not being able to locate an init file (which is part of my rootfs.cpio.gz file in the root of its structure) . How I can go about fixing the problems with this initrd environment?