针对你遇到的“failed to execute mi command: target remote localhost:2331”错误,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解决: 1. 检查端口状态 首先,确认端口2331是否开放以及GDB server是否在该端口上运行。你可以使用telnet或nc(Netcat)命令来检查端口状态: bash telnet localhost 2331 如果连接成功,说明端口开放且GDB...
1) Failed to execute MI command:-var-create - * *(((SlotBuf[0]).FramedData)+0)@100Error message from debugger back end:evaluation of this expression requires the program to have a function "malloc". 2) Unable to create variable object 3) Failed to execute MI command:-data-evaluate-ex...
Failed to execute MI command: target remote localhost:61234 Error message from debugger back end: Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: Success. Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: Success. I am using an ST-LINK\V2. I can download the program just fine using STM32CubePr...
Failed to execute MI command: load /Users/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.13.1/LedToggling/STM32CubeIDE/BootROM_ExternalSDRAM_InternalSRAM.Debug/LedToggling.elf Error message from debugger back end: Load failed Failed to execute MI command: load /Users/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.13.1/LedT...
Home Software Forums S32 Design Studio S32DS failed to execute MI command: -interpreter -exec console kill S32DS failed to execute MI command: -interpreter -exec console kill Options 05-06-2018 11:32 PM 3,772 Views zhuchen Contributor I Tags: s32ds mac57d54 freertos...
failed to execute MI command: -stack-list-frames 0 0 Error messages from debugger back end: Invalid thread id:1 Thread[1] disappeared at the same time. I debugged with WICED-SDK 3.1.2 which running Windows XP SP3 V6223 En Version. I Modied WIFI parameters in WICED-SDK-3.1.2...
This gives everyone permission to execute bluepy-helper. cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+epwithouti("inheritable") is sufficient: $ sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+ep bluepy-helper $ getcap bluepy-helper bluepy-helper = cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep $ bluepy-helper#bluepy-helper.c version...
2023-03-24T19:00:22 error Applied to cluster error: exec kubeadm join in failed failed to execute command(kubeadm join --config=/root/.sealos/default/etc/kubeadm-join-master.yaml -v 6 --ignore-preflight-errors=SystemVerification) on host( output(I0324 18:...
If no, go to 2. You can restart the BMC using either of the following methods: On the HMM CLI, run the telnet 0 1101 command, switch to the BMC CLI, and run the ipmcset -d reset command. On the HMM WebUI, choose Chassis settings > Network Settings > Blades...
1. Opencmdin elevated mode, right-click onicon, and selectRun as administrator. 2. Please execute the below commands step by step: sfc /scannow dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth The first command will scan and fix system file co...