failed to execute ’arm-uclibc-gcc‘ 这个错误怎么处理啊 我用的是keil 4 在用LM3S811建立...
创建工程DEMO--- 编译出错Error: failed to execute 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin\ArmCC' :failedtoexecute‘C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin\ArmCC’找到自己PC中两个文件的保存位置,一般是与KEIL软件下载时放在一起的: 修改 修改前为默认路径: 修改:根据自己保存路径结果此时J-Link可打开配置选项卡、编译可进行...
Ld /Users/Nathan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SmartPic-elnbgmemojraijcotdlcskagbibq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ normal armv7 cd "/Users/Nathan/Documents/Xcode Projects/SmartPic" setenv IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 4.3 setenv PATH "/Applications/
新唐003编译报错--- Error: failed to execute 'C:\Keil_v5\C51\BIN\C51.EXE'。度娘解决这个问题的...
[DCC Error] E2597 C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\PlatformSDKs\android-ndk-r17b\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.9\prebuilt\windows\bin\arm-linux-androideabi-ld.exe: final link failed: Memory exhausted 今天编译项目,出现这个问题,如果注释掉任意三个单元,就能编译通过,不过,有个提...
But I don't know why and how to solve this problem.. Google isn't really helping me.. MyHeader Search Pathsare set correctly like in the documentation: TheLink Binary with Librariespart is also done correct! As well the part withCocoapodsbut I do think my problem has somet...
Later, I checked other blogs in the forum and found that it needs to be set in the uboot stage: setenv dorprocboot 1I have setenv dorprocboot 1 set. Then execute run bootcmd, the program starts normally, but when it starts to the kernel stage, other problems...
毛病含义表示 指定的framework 不支持对 armv7s 的支持, 也就不支持搭载A6处理器的iPhone 5. 如果在编译framework或静态库的工程中照旧编译时,多是以下设置致使,设置为NO便可 方法二 如果这种办法还是无效,那就直接修改一下包名吧 方法三 在target 下有个 test 工程,找到 General,然后会看到一个 testing ,在 ...
Failed to execute MI command: -target-select remote localhost:2331 Error message from debugger back end: localhost:2331: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. localhost:2331: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ...