Closed Failed to exec Python script file #611 snehanyk05 opened this issue Sep 1, 2020· 4 comments Comments snehanyk05 commented Sep 1, 2020 • edited Hi, I'm was trying to change my django python version from 3.69 to 3.7. I uninstalled libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 and installed ...
self.setting['user']=stringdefexec_cmd(self, username=''):#pprint.pprint(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S',time.localtime()))#cmd='svn update %(url)s %(dist)s --username %(user)s'%setting #export, dont use it#cmd = 'svn update %(dist)s --username %(user)s' % setting #...
python打包好后出现failedtoexecutescript问题 python打包好后出现failedtoexecutescript问题 我有个很不好的习惯,就是喜欢直接在class下⾯直接写class的测试⽤的代码, ⽐如这种:class SVN():def__init__(self):self.setting = { 'svn':'C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin/', # svn的程序所在路径 'url...
File"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line677,in_load_unlocked File"PyInstaller\loader\", line495,inexec_module File"cv2\", line181,in<module> File"cv2\", line111,inbootstrap File"cv2\", line106,inload_first_config File"cv2\...
I am trying to run my python .exe file on another machine but unable to. I tested it on my machine and the application works but on running it in other machine outputs the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\User...
总结了一篇【Python】pyinstaller打包sh文件报错[77353] Failed to execute script ‘GCN-TSA’ due to unhandled exception!解决方案✨ 喜欢的小伙伴可以点点关注 💝 前言 在使用pyinstaller打包sh文件后运行sh文件报错如下: 具体如下: File "<frozen importlib, bootstrap>",line 1006,in _find_and_load_unlocke...
如果你的电脑使用任何调用了paddlepaddle(飞桨)的程序都会无脑报错,比如赛博丹炉,python相关脚本,无论如何配置环境都无济于事,报错代码如下: [2024-01-04 23:50:51,642] [信息] [18320] Failed to execute script 'predict' due to unhandled exception!
Pyinstaller打包程序提示Failed to execute script pyi_rth_certifi 零零星星|2 条评论 » 这是一个创建于 569 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。 本地用miniconda创建的python环境,程序的打包和运行都是正常。但是搬到了其他电脑运行就是失败,死活报错Failed to execute scriptpyi_rth_certifi。
Python 3.85 使用pyinstaller在win10 x64下打包的应用程序,在win10 x64下运行完全正常,但是在win7 x64下则报错。failed to execute script pyi_rth_ pyi_rth_xxx 解决方法 execute Python pyi_rth_2021-01-02 上传大小:15.00MB 所需:48积分/C币
[11604]Failed to execute script'IOSClick_1'due to unhandled exception! 「粗略分析」 1.最开始处OpenCV bindings requires "numpy" package.应该是opencv模块和numpy发生冲突 2.检查airtest版本为1.2.6, numpy版本为1.23.3 3.此处解决方案猜测,将numpy版本降级,我降级为了1.19.3,pip install numpy==1.19.3...