系统兼容性:确认你的操作系统和influxdb版本是否兼容。 通过上述步骤,你应该能够解决“failed to enable unit: unit file /etc/systemd/system/influxdb.service is masked”的问题。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要更深入地检查系统配置或寻求专业的技术支持。
然后再对它执行操作会提示 Failed to enable unit: Unit file chronyd.service does not exist. 原因是 服务被 disable了,所以不能用了。 解决办法: 1. systemctl enable chrony 就可以了 ubuntu不要加d,systemctl status chrony d是daemon的意思,有些服务不需要加d,看你配置的unit的文件名...
在设置mysql开机启动时,出现了“Failed to enable unit: Refusing to operate on linked unit file mysql.service”,那么需要检测以下mysql是否设置过了开机启动, 方法为: sudo systemctl is-enabled mysql.service 如果已经设置过,会输出“enable” 可以先禁止mysql开机启动,控制台输入: sudo systemctl disable mysql...
Encrypted non-root partitions are not automatically unlocked when using NBDE with Tang servers. When runningsystemctl enable clevis-luks-askpass.pathto enable automatic disk unlocking the following error message is observed: Raw Failed to enable unit: Unit file clevis-luks-askpass.path does not exist...
Failed to enable unit: Refusing to operate on linked unit file sshd.service Hello.When i am connecting to my virtual host using ssh ,it throws an error like failed to enable unit ssshd.service on ubuntu 18.10.How to get rid of this error?
I have this error when install on some Ubuntu VPS 22.04: Failed to enable unit: File multi-user.target: Identifier removed Failed to retrieve unit state: Unit name openmeteo-notify@.service is neither a valid invocation ID nor unit name...
How to enable tmp.mount service, which does not use tmpfs type. How to enable tmp.mount service, which uses LVM with XFS type. Fail to enable tmp.mount service with error below Raw # systemctl is-enabled tmp.mount generated # systemctl enable tmp.mount Failed to enable unit: Unit /run...
Failed to start docker.service:Unit docker.service not found. 原因分析 安装docker的时输入的指令dnf install docker不准确,导致系统以为我们想装的是podman—docker,podman是centos8预装的类似docker的软件,这里咱们不需要,所以直接卸载 安装docker 删除Podman ...
When enabling a service unit that is an alias, systemd report the following failure: Failed to enable unit: Refusing to operate on linked unit file mysql.service In some environments, there are scripts that can enable services using alia...
FWIW, I got the same error when trying to do something this: $ systemctlenablezfskey@tank/dataset Failed toenableunit: File zfskey@tank/dataset: Invalid argument The solution here was kinda obvious, as I didn't really expect the unit argument (or whatever it's called) to support slashes...