Create a new virtual machine failed with "could not initialize" in Hyper-V Create Generation 2 Virtual Machine Create Virtual Machine using VHDX on network drive, without copying it to local drive? Creating a new virtual hard disk takes hours Creating a Partition in a Virtual Machine Creating a...
version of the Acronis Disk Director 你这个是演示版的,有功能限制的,到网上下个正式版或者注册版的吧
obclient>showcreatetableob_hist_sql_audit_stat;CREATETABLE`ob_hist_sql_audit_stat`(...partitionbyrangecolumns(`end_interval_time`)(partitionDUMMYvaluesless than(0),partitionP202106valuesless than(1625097600000000),partitionP202107valuesless than(1627776000000000),partitionP202108valuesless than(163045440000...
selectcount(*)fromoceanbase.gv$partitionwheretable_idin(selecttable_idfromoceanbase.gv$tablewheretenant_name='ocp_meta24'anddatabase_name='ocp_monitor'); 返回值超过 3000,则分区数量过大。可通过如下方法解决: 参考如下命令删除不再使用的表或者分区。
MySQL [db]> CREATE TABLE `DAILY_TRADE_VALUE` -> ( -> `TRADE_DATE` datev2 NULL COMMENT '交易日期', -> `TRADE_ID` varchar(40) NULL COMMENT '交易编号' -> ) -> UNIQUE KEY(`TRADE_DATE`, `TRADE_ID`) -> AUTO PARTITION BY RANGE date_trunc(`TRADE_DATE`, 'year') -> ( -> ) ...
Failed to re-create partition table on RHEL6 using virtual disk Solution Verified- UpdatedAugust 6 2024 at 7:14 AM- English Issue Disk partition has been deleted and fdisk will not re-create it as before fdisk also hows wrong disk details (heads and sectors) ...
[document]( ``` MySQL [db]> CREATE TABLE `DAILY_TRADE_VALUE` -> ( -> `TRADE_DATE` datev2 NULL COMMENT '交易日期', -> `TRADE_ID` varchar(40) NULL COMMENT '交易编号' ...
The strange thing is that the /tmp partition isn't listed throughdfnormount Sorry, something went wrong. CorbanRmentioned this issueApr 10, 2017 I'm also facing the similar issue. failed to create temporary content file: timed out. Can someone help me on this. ...
确保您的账号有足够的权限,使用 odpscmd -h 命令确认您的账号是否有 CREATE/DELETE/DROP PARTITION 权限。 确认您的增加分区语句是否正确,例如,分区列名、分区值类型、分区先后顺序等。 检查您的数据表是否存在数据,如果表中没有数据,增加分区会失败。 如果以上方法都没有解决问题,请提供更多的详细报错信息和操作过程...