dockernetwork create my_network 1. 然后,在Docker Compose文件中引用已创建的网络: version:'3'services:web:image:nginxports:-"8080:80"networks:-my_networknetworks:my_network:external:true 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 通过以上方法,我们可以解决“failed to create network...
记录一个今天遇到的问题,通过docker-compose启动容器的时候报错: failed to create network qzcsbj: Error response from daemon:Failed to Setup IP tables:Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule: (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -I DOCKER -i br-a6p9999f95gg -j RETURN: iptables: No chain/target...
And now you should be able to create a new network. If this doesn’t solve the problem, check out thisStackOverflowthread for some other things to try.
使用docker-compose 命令 出现Error:Service 'XXX' failed to build:mainfest for not found错误,提示未找到最新版本,需要我们在Dockerfile文件开头指定版本就可以了 问题解决: 1.找到当前文件夹下的Dockerfile文件 2.文件开头补充:bionic-1.0.0 3.重新执行docker-compose命令即可 ...
详细信息如下: [root@hecg docker-gitlab]# docker-compose up -dCreating network"docker-gitlab_bridge"with driver"bridge"ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable toenableSKIP DNAT rule: (iptables failed: iptables --wait-t nat -I DOCKER -i br-1b0d89adb807 -j RETURN: iptables: No chain...
因为宿主机防火墙的状态发生了改变,导致docker或docker-compose服务无法启动。 1. 问题描述 使用命令docker-compose up -d,报错信息如下: Creating network "minio_default" with the default driver ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule: (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t na...
Trying to run test_ui from docker-compose docker-compose.yml: version: “3” services: test_ui: image: test_ui container_name: test_ui build: . volumes: - ./allure-results:/allure-results/ selenoid: image: “aerokube/selenoid” container_name: selenoid network_mode: bridge ...
[root@localhost composetest]# sudo docker run hello-worlddocker: Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: unable to retrieve OCI runtime error (open /run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/moby/4a7cc9e9d...
I can map the network share and write to it from ubuntu.docker-compose.ymlVolumesvolumes: postgresql_data: driver_opts: type: "nfs" o: "addr=,nfsvers=4" device: ":/postgresql_data"Docker Swarm - Volume CIFS - Secrets mathdavy86 (Mathdavy86) October 14, 2023, 10:18am 2 ...
修改 worker 的 Dockerfile,重新 build 1 docker-compose build worker 接着 1 docker-composer up 这里使用容器是很方便进行环境的搭建,但是貌似不同的镜像版本,拉下来都会导致不兼容的问题,就好像老师说的你那边可以运行,但是实际中部署还是出各种各样的幺蛾子哦,想问下老师这种问题究竟应该怎么规避?? 0 回复 ...