Hello, i try to setup the server for an NGO. The Problem is i always get Failed to connect via relay server. Install environment: docker (rustdesk/rustdesk-server:1) on nixos, both run on the same machine, and Ports are forwarded with do...
针对您提出的“rustdesk failed to connect to”问题,这里有几个可能的解决步骤和检查点,我将按照您给出的提示进行分点回答,由于这个问题主要涉及到网络配置和应用程序状态,而非直接编码问题,因此不会包含代码片段。 检查RustDesk版本是否为最新: 确保您使用的RustDesk是最新版本。开发者可能在新版本中修复了连接问题...
I installed the server on my desktop-machine . hbbs and hbbr are running. When connecting from desktop to my notebook it won't work, giving the above error. When reverting this and connecting from notebook to desktop it's working. Clients are both v1.2.3.39, server is dated 25.07....
to PC 2. Last week I was getting an error message saying "deadline has elapsed" and now I am getting an error message "Failed to connect to rs-ny.rustdesk. com:21116". While on PC 1 it says "Not ready. Check your internet connection", on PC 2 it says "Ready". When I try to...
Bug Description If you try to connect to a windows client with a resolution of 800x600 or less, rustdesk displays the message "connecting" indefinitely. On the client computer you appear as connected, but the control computer does not se...
I already stopped and started the "Service" via Rustdesk_Setting/General that behind the curtain uninstalls and installs the rustdesk service. How to Reproduce Connect to 167 68* *** Production machine - can't hand out the connection data in public Enter the connect password. -> Connection ...