Failed to connect to server(code: 一般是/etc/nova/nova.conf配置文件的vnc配置不当 打开,替换为 2、修改novncproxy_base_url,尽量使用ip地址,不要用域名 对于server_proxyclient_address如果使用域名的,需要在本地host文件中修改解析 加入一行 ip地址 域名 修改完成后 systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute....
打开后查找vncserver_proxyclient_address :/vncserver_proxyclient_address 改为以下 vncserver_proxyclient_address= ceph01(当前节点)novncproxy_base_url= 重启nova相关服务 systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute.service 依次将其他计算节点的配置文件改正,即可恢复正常...
但,现实很快的就给我们一个当头棒喝,vnc控制台连接报错Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)。 这可不是一个好消息,经过了九九八十一难了,测试用实例竟然登录不上去,岂不是非常不甘心。话不多说,OpenStack的每个服务的日志都打开看看,竟然没有发现错误,都是info,这就让人很抓狂了。 这就只好百度啦,发现...
Failedtoconnecttoserver(code:1006)Failedtoconnecttoserver(code:1006)web界⾯创建实例控制台报错:Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)先将浏览器换成⽕狐浏览器,看看是不是浏览器的问题 如果不是浏览器问题,去查看每个计算节点的/etc/nova/nova.conf⽂件 vim /etc/nova/nova.conf 打开后...
a)Failed to connect to server (code: 1006) : a)解决办法: vim /etc/nova/nova.conf vncserver_listen= default : vncserver_listen=$my_ip b)如果该参数设置为127.0.0.1将会Failed to connect to server ,如果设置为当前主机IP,则无法实现动态迁移...
Failed to connect to server (code: 1006) The following error also appears in/var/log/nova/nova-novncproxy.log Raw 2015-09-03 15:30:16.837 25082 INFO nova.console.websocketproxy [req-bd95c208-68fa-42b4-ad3b-adb2fb7be91c None] Traceback (most recent call last): ...
InOpenStack Dashboard(Horizon), when I launch an Instance and I am trying to connect to the Instance via Dashboard VNC Console – I am getting error:Failed to connect to server (code: 1006). This is most often caused by improper/etc/nova/nova.confconfiguration on Compute node, where the...
Issue We are usingsslforhorizon. After updatingnovapackage to version2014-2.3-36, we are unable to access console of any instance. It fails with below error: Raw Failed to connect to server (code: 1006) 2015-11-26 17:21:08.757 30491 INFO nova.console.websocketproxy [req-75729d6d-5638-...
Remote OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04 Remote Architecture: amd64 code-server --version: 4.0.1 Steps to Reproduce run install script start code-server service open browser to code-server website (nginx reverse proxy) get error The workbench failed to connect to the server (Error: WebSocket close with...
I'm using Chrome browser, I connect via this URL: The error is: New state 'failed', was 'ProtocolVersion'. Msg: Failed to connect to server (code: 1006) Util.Error RFB.updateState (annoymous function) websocket...