Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" 无法连到 图4 在公司的内网中,加上公司代理,运行命令失败,报错 export AWS_PROFILE=YOUR_CONFIGURED_IAM_USER export http_proxy=YOUR_HTTP_PROXY_NAME:80 export https_p...
While trying to set up automated snapshots, I have seen this problem. It’s a general error that often means an incorrect region entered in ‘aws configure’ Instead of us-east-1x you may need to use us-east-1This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ...
failed to connect to postgres: failed to connect to ` user=postgres.<REDACTED> database=postgres`: failed SASL auth (invalid SCRAM server-final-message received from server) Update on this - turns out updating my DB password that was generated by ...
policy, linkerd-network-validator (init) [ 0.002465s] INFO ThreadId(01) linkerd2_proxy::rt: Using single-threaded proxy runtime [ 0.003121s] INFO ThreadId(01) linkerd2_proxy: Admin interface on [ 0.003129s] INFO ThreadId(01) linkerd2_proxy: Inbound interface on
以下是一些TaskFailedToStart錯誤訊息和動作,您可以採取這些動作來修正錯誤。 若要使用 檢查已停止的任務是否有錯誤訊息 AWS Management Console,請參閱 檢視Amazon ECS 已停止的任務錯誤。 嘗試在子網路 'subnet-id 中啟用公有 IP 指派時建立網路介面時發生非預期的 EC2 錯誤 當Fargate 任務使用aswsvpc網路模式並...
Checks if AWS Cloudformation stack is in 'delete-failed' state. This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if Cloudformation stack is in 'delete-failed' state. Else COMPLIANT.
这里的问题不是使用代理本身(AWS CLI通过设置例如HTTPS_PROXY环境变量来允许这一点),而是AWS CLI客户端...
WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbid [Send Mail Task] Error: Either the file "///ServerName//Transfer//Reporting//Completed" does not exist or you do not have permissions to access ...
Part of AWS Collective 2 I'm coding a project use s3 to store file pdf, and use langchain to connect and load file. This is my code: const loader = new S3Loader({ bucket: process.env.BUCKET, key: filekey, // example: test/e3959622-7fb1-44ab-a506.pdf s3Config: { accessK...
Switched to node 1. [admin@vmware-hcx:hcx-IX-I1] ssh Welcome to HCX Central CLI root@hcx-IX-I1 [ ~ ]# chage -l root Last password change : Oct 06, 2022 Password expires : Jan 06, 2022 >>> Password inactive : never Account...