Your friend's Telnet client is obviously attempting to connect to port 23, not 5555 or 43839, since that's what it says in the error message he is getting. Ask your friend to check the documentation for the Telnet client he's using, and make sure he's specifying the por...
Seems null is how localhost can be reported I tried setting ALLOWED_HOSTS, CORS_ALLOWED_HOSTS and CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS (along with PAPERLESS_* versions of those) but no settings seemed to make any difference - I tried giving actual domain/host as well as localhost (and 'null') but nothing...
port not found: creating reaper failed: failed to create container or dial tcp [::1]:32810: connect: connection refused: Connecting to Ryuk on localhost:32810 failed: connecting to network reaper failed: failed to create network Downgrading to v0.29.2 fixed it. 👀 1 Collaborator mdelapen...
So the server side seems to be fine. Can you connect to the port with telnet? "telnet localhost 8080" If that "works" without getting an error like "Connect failed", the problem must be on browser-side (proxy, firewall, whatever). Usually you should see just a black screen, and if...
比如这时想指定 cf264b8f 这个设备来运行 adb 命令获取屏幕分辨率: adb -s cf264b8f shell wm size 又如想给 这个设备安装应用(这种形式的 serialNumber 格式为:,一般为无线连接的设备或 Genymotion 等第三方 Android 模拟器): adb -s install test.apk 遇到多设备/模拟...
according to issue redroid-modules/issues/5# add redroid.gpu.mode=guest now can connect to the docker, thx. but vnc black screen the output and log: root@localhost:~# ls -l /dev/dri 总用量 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 1月 26 06:04 by-path crw-rw---+ 1 root video 226, 0...