fatal: unable to access 'https://gitlab-ci-token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gitlab.domain.com/platform/app.git/': Failed to connect to gitlab.domain.com port 443: Operation timed out My gitlab-ci.yml stages:- building- copying- deployingbuildJob:stage: buildingscript:- sbt assemblycache:paths:-...
1、首先找到git的安装目录,找到/etc/ssh/ssh_config文件 2、用记事本或者notepad++打开,复制这几句到该文件最后 Host github.com (如果是gitlab就是gitlab.com) User git Hostname ssh.github.com (如果是gitlab就是gitlab.com) PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Port 443 3、...
1、首先找到git的安装目录,找到/etc/ssh/ssh_config文件 2、用记事本或者notepad++打开,复制这几句到该文件最后 Host github.com (如果是gitlab就是gitlab.com) User git Hostname ssh.github.com (如果是gitlab就是gitlab.com) PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Port 443 3、...
SUMMARY When I use gitlab_project ansible module then I showed up with this error. I am confused between the api_url parameter vs server_url parameter. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report "Failed to connect to GitLab server: 404: 404 Not Found. GitLab...
Jenkins 拉取gitlab代码中报错: **Failed to connect to repository Command git ls-remote -h https gitlab.chinamcloud.compcspcs_api.git HEAD returned status code 128 fatal: repository ‘https://…’ not found** 问题解决解决 首先出现这个报错很无厘头,大部分gitlab项目的拉取是正常的,但是极个别项目...
Hello,My gitlab version is 13.1.4. 1、I changed the storage path in gitlab.r. After re-editing, I opened the repo on the web page and prompted a 503...
在终端 执行git clone报错如下: fatal:unable to access'https://github.com/xxx/zzzz.git/':Failedto connect to github.com port443:Operationtimedout 但是直接在浏览器又能够访问github网址, 这个时候就是代理问题 执行git config --list发现代理设置的有问题, 重新添加代理 ...
Gitlab-ci-multi-runner | fatal: unable to access 'http://gitlab-ci-token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@my_domain/username/projectname.git/': Failed to connect to my_domain port 80: Connection refused GitLab CI/CD 3 2950 September 11, 2017 Gitlab-ci.yml failing with Access deni...
一、是github上公开的三方库,可以下载源码库的,比如:AFNetworking、SDWebImage等,这类三方库我们可以选择直接git clone到自己电脑上,进入到源码目录下,然后通过 git remote set-url origin "{你的私有库源码存放仓库地址}" 来切换Git远端地址为私有库地址,然后将三方库的源码推送到自己的私有仓库中,同时也要把tag...
解决:Failed to connect to repository : Error performing command: git.exe ls-remote -h xxxxxxx HEAD,在jenkins新建工程,配置源码管理时,发现输入gitlab的RepositoryURL,总会抛出一个错误:后来在网上各种百度,终于找到了一篇比较靠谱的文章,顺着文章的提示,去M