今天在运行vue项目时,命令行出现报错如下: 浏览器访问返回如下报错,没找到根路由 于是查看配置文件,发现project\build\webpack.dev.conf.js中入口文件名称配置与项目实际名称发生了变化,配置文件中为main.html,而项目根目录下为index.html 因此,将配置文件中main.html改为index.html就好了,改完项目成功启动。
你可能出现过这种问题,没有直接忽视; ERROR Failed to compile with17errors16:27:36errorin./node_modules/vant/es/nav-bar/index.css Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):Error:Loading PostCSS Plugin failed: Cannot find module'postcss-pxtorem'(@C:\Users\1234Wu\De...
一.问题描述 在进入到项目运行:npm run dev时出现错误: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 但是却没有具体的提示。 D:\Tool\PythonProject\website\frontend>npm run dev > frontend@1.0.0 dev D:\Tool\PythonProject\website\frontend > webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --config build/webpa...
项目运行报错:ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error;error in ./node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.js 解决办法:重新安装运行cnpm i pdfjs-dist@2.0.207 问题解决
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 错误描述 vue-cli3 项目编译报错ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors,但是下面没有错误信息。 起因是我把router.js放到了router文件夹下,然后新建了一个routes.js来存放引用的组件。开始我以为是vue-router配置错了,或者是组件引用的路径不对。
Android Studio报错:Manifest Merger failed with multiple errors Android Studio运行项目,报错: Manifest Merger failed with multiple errors 这一句比较笼统,并没有说明具体的错误原因。 查找原因的方法如下:打开AndroidManifest.xml,点击左下角的“Merged Manifest” Tab, 就能看到具体原因了: 原来是sdk version的...
2.想要解决上图的问题,在.eslintrc.js文件中,添加红色框中的代码,就可以解决代码爆红的问题完整报错信息:Parsing error: No Babel config file detected for D:\VuecliWorkspace\vue_test\src\main.js. Either disable config file checking with requireConfigFile: false, or configure Babel so that it can...
install a vue-cli project with the webpack template run yarn install What is expected? project should compile and server should serve files What is actually happening? compilation is failing for some reason always at 94% I'm using a docker node container to run the development project in....
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 16:51:50 Failed to resolve loader: sass-loader You may need to install it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 原因分析 在Vue项目中启用了ESlint代码检查,在检查范围内有组件或者资源引用时将路径写错了导致的结果。