论坛首页 / 昇腾 / Orange Pi AIpro / atc转换 Failed to compile op最早发布 只看楼主 显示10 1 来杯芊芊马卡龙 帖子 3 回复 7 atc转换 Failed to compile op 发表于 2024-07-25 10:45:4181查看 在执行atc转换时出现以下问题叮叮当当 帖子 2 回复 293 您好,请通过npu-smi info查询芯片型号替换...
The bug itself Getting this error when running : yarn build Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. ./src/index.js Error: [BABEL] /root/my-app/src/index.js: Cannot find module './src/data' Require stack: /root/my-app...
make[3]: Leaving directory '/root/openwrt/feeds/packages/lang/perl' time: package/feeds/packages/perl/host-compile#222.86#26.52#248.33
[GraphOpt][InitializeInner][InitTbeFunc] Failed to init tbe.[FUNC:InitializeInner][FILE:tbe_op_store_adapter.cc][LINE:1638] [SubGraphOpt][PreCompileOp][InitAdapter] InitializeAdapter adapter [tbe_op_adapter] failed! Ret [4294967295][FUNC:InitializeAdapter][FILE:op_store_adapter_manager.cc][...
I got the new version of vendor's library with Swift compile version 5.3.2, but still can not build it, because have another types errors. And it is still so painy to use Xcode on new Mac M1 with out rosetta. Even if I want to add a new simulator, it is possible do it only ...
return compile_fx(subgraph, example_inputs)File "D:\stable_diffusion\iGPU\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\_inductor\compile_fx.py", line 415, in compile_fxmodel_ = overrides.fuse_fx(model_, example_inputs_)File "D:\stable_diffusion\iGP...
When I manually force "always trusted", I can't compile : Code Block note: Planning build note: Constructing build description error: Invalid trust settings. Restore system default trust settings for certificate "iPhone Distribution: XXXX" in order to sign code with it. (in target 'myApp' ...
在尝试用mindspore-gpu版本做单机多卡的训练,但是在用mpirun命令运行后报错Failed to create cusolver dn handle. 样例: (根据实际修改和增删) 测试代码 # test-init.pyfrommindsporeimportcontextfrommindspore.communication.managementimportinitif__name__ =="__main__": context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MOD...
I just get build failed, Command SwiftCompile failed with nonzero exit code, or just nothing but build failed. Restarted Xcode twice, deleted deprived data once. Googling this shows it has happened since 2013. I guess they just don't have enough money to have tools on par with the ...
C# compiler console output on compile bothering me C# compiling error: 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C...