针对你提出的错误信息 [emerg] 31400#31400: bind() to failed (98: address already in use),这是指尝试将服务绑定到 IP 地址 的8888 端口时失败,因为该端口已经被其他进程占用。以下是按照你提供的 tips 进行分点解答: 确认错误信息来源及含义: 错误信息来自一个服务(如 Nginx)尝...
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed [root@localhost nginx]# getenforce #查询selinux状态 Enforcing [root@localhost nginx]# setenforce 0 #临时将selinux关闭
# instance-id: ${spring.application.name}:${server.port} # prefer-ip-address: true #访问路径可以显⽰IP地址 原因 1、配置⽂件名称不对 应为application.yml 2、依赖导⼊有问题 getway⾃动配置源码 GatewayAutoConfiguration.java @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)@ConditionalOnClass(...
public void register() throws NacosException { namingService.registerInstance("nacos.test.3", "", 8888, "TEST1"); namingService.registerInstance("nacos.test.3", "", 9999, "DEFAULT"); System.out.println(namingService.getAllInstances("nacos.test.3")); } } 1. 2. 3. 4...
server:port:9527spring:application:name:getway-servercloud:gateway:# discovery:# locator:# enabled: trueroutes:-id:author-serveruri:https://localhost:8888#转发后的地址predicates:-Path=/author/**filters:-StripPrefix=1#eureka:# client:# serviceUrl: #注册服务到eureka集群# defaultZone: http://eureka...
Now the problem is that ,no matter if i use the proxy or not,i can't build the container ,indeed both at the early stage ,the process would interrupt。 Is there any way that i can build a right engine version to support the pixelstreaming ,not must be the 4.27, not even on Linux...
Got the same issue as many. I just use the Jimmy Le Blog (https://lejimmy.com/setting-up-transmission-bittorrent-with-openvpn-on-a-synology-nas-and-docker/) and finally got this error : ERROR: Linux route add command failed: external pro...
I modified the yml file to connect to my mysql rds instance. made changes to db section, made changes to modules by appending _odbc [ran through some issues, but resolved ]. when i try to start the server, i still see errors like localhost:3306, not sure from where it is picking it...
If 80, assuming production, * Flash on 843 otherwise expecting Flash to be proxied through 8843 */ 'port' => env('SOCKET_PORT', '8888'), /* * Public port for Nginx */ 'public_port' => env('SOCKET_PUBLIC_PORT', '8880'), /* * IP address to bind to. Default is localhost/...