一.场景重现 root@OpenWrt:/# wget www.baidu.com Downloading 'www.baidu.com' Failed to allocate uclient context 二.分析 wget不支持https 三.解决 wget http://www.baidu.com
一.场景重现 root@OpenWrt:/# wget www.baidu.com Downloading 'www.baidu.com' Failed to allocate uclient context 二.分析 wget不支持https 三.解决 wget http://www.baidu.com
错误原因:GPU资源占用太大 config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.7) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True 找到如下红的的这句话,在这之前加上如上三行代码,在session前约束占用空间。能够使得tensorflow占用资源降至70%,当然也...
错误原因:GPU资源占用太大 config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.7) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True 找到如下红的的这句话,在这之前加上如上三行代码,在session前约束占用空间。能够使得tensorflow占用资源降至70%,当然也...
failed to allocate 5.91G (6347372032 bytes) from device: CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: out of memory,importtensorflowastfgpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.333)sess=tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(g...
2021-02-26T14:03:24.820Z cpu91:2097484)WARNING: bnxtnet: alloc_rx_buffers:2094: [vmnic1 : 0x45033c7b6000] Failed to allocate all, init'ed rx ring 7 with 22/3069 pages only The packet page pool memory is exhausted. Below is the command to check the usage infomation of packet page...
Service 'kladminserver' has been stopped due to an error. #1950 (1101) Generic db error: "1101 'Could not allocate a new page for database 'KAV' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup 'PRIMARY'. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional fi...
failed to allocate4.67G(5019415296bytes)fromdevice:CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORYfailed to allocate4.21G(4517473792bytes)fromdevice:CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORYfailed to allocate3.79G(4065726208bytes)fromdevice:CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORYfailed to allocate3.41G(3659153408bytes)fromdevice:CUDA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ...
Cgroup device: enabled Cgroup sched: enabled Cgroup cpu account: enabled Cgroup memory controller: enabled Cgroup cpuset: enabled --- Misc --- Veth pair device: enabled, loaded Macvlan: enabled, not loaded Vlan: enabled, not loaded Bridges: enabled, loaded ...