curl exec失败超时了
在做项目是,调用RPC接口时,调用别人给的RPC接口会有超时的情况,出现如下错误: Yar_Client_Transport_Exception (16) curlexecfailed'Timeout was reached' 原因是RPC那边处理逻辑复杂,导致耗时较长。所以要加上不超时的处理逻辑: $client->SetOpt(YAR_OPT_TIMEOUT,0);// 设置RPC不超时 加上这句就可以调用成功...
1Tryingthisoption workedforme.23library(httr)4with_config(use_proxy(...), install_github(...))56OR78library(httr)9set_config(use_proxy(url ="***_", port ="_*"))10devtools::install_github("username/packagename")
在gvim中ibus敲字时,偶尔会在n秒之后才显示到屏幕,反应死慢。在看控制台会看到下面的错误信息. (gvim:77687):IBUS-WARNING **: Process Key Event failed: Timeout was reached。 暂时无法搞清具体原因,所以用重启ibus的笨办法解决。 杀死ibus进程 ps -ef |grep ibus-daemon 找到进程,然后kill掉 ibus-daemon ...
1)Retry Poilicy: None, fixed and exponential, it is not working with in 2 mins we getting BadRequest. Http request failed: the timeout was reached. 2) i added header also. { "Accept": "application/json", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", ...
在类unix系统上,curl存在一个bug,就是当超时时间小于1000ms时会立即超时,提示Timeout was reached,一个简单的解决方法就是设置yar超时时间大于1000,详细描述见: laruence closed this as completed Dec 29, 2014 agclqq mentioned this issue Jul...
flatpak run com.github.needleandthread.vocal [INFO 11:05:29.708782] Application.vala:155: Vocal version: 2.0.1 [INFO 11:05:29.708827] Application.vala:157: Kernel version: 4.14.3-300.fc27.x86_64 Failed to register: Timeout was reached I installed from flathub through Gnome Software. The ...
reason:Timeoutwas reached:[]Operationtimedoutafter10000milliseconds with0outof0bytes receivedConsiderrerunning with'localHub=TRUE'Inaddition:Warningmessage:'HumanPrimaryCellAtlasData'isdeprecated.Use'celldex::HumanPrimaryCellAtlasData'instead.Seehelp("Deprecated") ...
If the maximum execution time is reached Redis will log that a script isstill in execution after the maximum allowed time and will start toreply to queries with an error.When a long running script exceeds the maximum execution time only the...
Indicates that the number of testing failures in a test instance reached the set threshold. The value of the default threshold was 1. The test-failtimes command could modify the threshold. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning OwnerIndex Indicates the administrator of an NQA test instance....